What are the three possible organisms to find on ear cytology?
Yeast, cocci, rods
Other than sedated procedures, what "surgery" do we not place a catheter for?
Cat neuter!
Who wrote the following code of conduct line: I will greet my team in the morning with a smile and a “Good morning!”
Dr. Walker
Who is our NEWEST Apollonaut?
Dr. Rapoli!
What drug do we give a patient during an active seizure?
List what is included with our canine senior wellness panel. Be specific!
CBC, chemistry, T4, UA, accuplex, keyscreen
At what MAP is a patient under anesthesia considered "hypotensive", or having a low blood pressure? BONUS 100: Name two ways that we can correct this.
Less than 60 mmHg. BONUS: reverse dex, lower iso, increase fluid rate (fluid bolus), hetastarch, patient stimulation, administer atropine
If someone lets you know that you are not acting in the Apollo Way, what is the best way to respond?
A kind and respectful, "Thank you for the reminder!"
After Dr. Walker, which employee has been with Apollo the longest?
1 mg per pound (or 2.2 mg per kg)
How long do you wait to draw a post-stim sample for ACTH testing?
1 hour
What anesthetic drugs (two) do we commonly AVOID in patients with heart disease?
Dexmed, ketamine
What is Apollo's biggest sponsored event? BONUS 50 points - What do we do at the event?
Hunter's Night Out. BONUS Sponsor the first-year puppy package for two lab puppies (includes vaccines, prevention, and spay/neuter)
Which two on the Apollo staff has tortoises?
Dr. Martin AND Keisha!
Peripheral nerve growth factor
Explain the difference between cytology and histopathology.
Histopathology: Provides more detailed information about the tissue architecture and the relationship between different cell types.
Cytology: Provides less detailed information about the tissue architecture but can be more sensitive for detecting subtle changes in individual cells.
What does our new capnograph measure?
End-tidal CO2, or the amount of expired carbon dioxide.
When did Apollo open? Month and year!
September 2021
Name three team members that drink matcha.
Lindsey, Lorena, Dani
What is the drug name of Convenia?
What are the four components of a GI Panel?
TLI, PLI, cobalamin, folate
What is a PU surgery (full name) and why do we do it?
Perineal urethrostomy - used in blocked animals to remove the distal, narrower portion of the urethra; may be done in blocked cats, or in any pets with tumors of the urethra
What are our four core values? Must get them correct WORD FOR WORD to win the points!
Leading with transparency & integrity; Team & community focused; Curiosity & growth mindset; We are direct, empathetic communicators
What is Dr. Boerner's baby's FULL NAME?
Dylan Catherine Pella
If a blocked cat is hyperkalemic, what treatment could we do to reduce their potassium?
Insulin and dextrose!