Teleological Argument
Cosmological Argument
Objective Truth
Roadrunner Tactic
Mixed Apologetics

What does the Teleological Argument claim about the universe?

The universe shows evidence of design and purpose


Who is one of the most famous philosophers associated with the Cosmological Argument?

Who is Thomas Aquinas?


What is objective truth?

What is the truth that is independent of personal feelings or opinions?


What is the Roadrunner Tactic?

What is a strategy that turns a self-defeating statement back on itself?


What famous Christian apologist wrote Mere Christianity?

Who is C.S. Lewis?


This term refers to the idea that complex design suggests an intelligent designer.

What is "intelligent design"?


What is the basic premise of the Cosmological Argument?

What is that everything that exists has a cause, and the universe must have a first cause?


What is the difference between objective and subjective truth?

What is objective truth is universal, while subjective truth is based on personal beliefs or opinions?


Give an example of a self-defeating statement used in the Roadrunner Tactic.

What is "There is no such thing as absolute truth"?


Which argument for God’s existence focuses on the moral law?

What is the "Moral Argument"?


What analogy did William Paley use to explain the Teleological Argument?

What is the "watchmaker analogy"?


This term refers to the uncaused cause that started everything in the universe.

What is "the First Cause" or "God"?


What argument claims that denying objective truth leads to logical contradictions?

What is the Law of Non-Contradiction?


Why is the Roadrunner Tactic named after a cartoon character?

What is because the roadrunner runs off a cliff thinking he is sly, running from Wylie Coyote, ultimately falling to his death. 


What does the acronym "SURGE" stand for in the Cosmological Argument?

What is Second Law of Thermodynamics, Universe is Expanding, Radiation from the Big Bang, Great Galaxy Seeds, and Einstein’s Theory of Relativity?


How does the Teleological Argument relate to the Anthropic Principle?

The idea that the universe is finely tuned for human life, suggesting purposeful design?


Which version of the Cosmological Argument emphasizes the beginning of the universe as evidence of a creator?

"Kalam Cosmological Argument"


What is a common argument against objective truth, and how do apologists respond?

What is "relativism," and the response is that relativism itself claims an objective truth that no objective truth exists?


How can the Roadrunner Tactic be used against the claim "You shouldn’t judge others"?

What is by responding, "Isn’t that a judgment itself?" which exposes the self-defeating nature of the claim?


Who wrote the book I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist?

Who is Frank Turek and Norman Geisler?


How many Anthropic Constants are discussed in detail in the text in the Teleological Argument chapter (although there are actually 122 in all)?

What is 5. 


What scientific discoveries support the Cosmological Argument?

What are the Big Bang Theory and the Law of Thermodynamics?


What is a common example of a self-defeating statement that denies objective truth?

What is "There is no such thing as absolute truth"?


How can the Roadrunner Tactic be used when someone says, "No one can know anything for sure"?

What is by asking, "Are you sure about that?" which shows that their claim contradicts itself?


What is Pascal's Wager, and how is it used in apologetics?

What is an argument that suggests it is better to believe in God because if God exists, the believer gains everything (eternal life), and if God does not exist, the believer loses nothing?
