The Language of the Bible
Historical Accuracy and Evidence
Just the Facts
The two most well known original biblical languages.
What are Hebrew and Greek? There were also parts of the Bible written in Aramaic.
True or False: Historical evidence outside of the Bible has been found for more than 40 different countries mentioned in the Bible.
What is True? The names of over 40 different kings of various countries mentioned in the Bible have all been found in contemporary documents and inscriptions outside of the Old Testament, and are always consistent with the times and places associated with them in the Bible. Nothing exists in ancient literature that has been even remotely as well-confirmed in accuracy as has the Bible.
This is the way in which the Bible is divided up into parts. Hint: Even as small as sentences.
What are books, chapters, and verses?
The reference for "In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God."
What is John 1:1?
True or false: While there are many books written about God, the Bible is the only book that claims to have actual words from God.
This Biblical Language goes from right to left versus left to right.
What is Hebrew?
True or false: When the scribes were copying the scriptures, if any letters were messed up (including being too close to another letter) the entire panel would be destroyed.
What is true? The panel before it was also destroyed since it had touched an imperfect panel. This detail gives insight into how careful the scribes who copied the Bible were to preserve it's accuracy.
Believed to have been written on 3 continents.
What is the Bible?
The book in which: "The grass withers and the flowers fade but the Word of our God stands forever." was written.
What is Isaiah? (1 Peter would also count?) Isaiah 40:8 and 1 Peter 1:24-25 to be exact.
True or false: There were other texts written during the times of Jesus that other people consider to be a part of the Bible.
True. The Bible that protestant Christians today read consists of 66 books. A council of spiritual leaders decided based on a serious of strict criteria, which books would be included into the Cannon of the Bible. Catholics include several books in their Cannon that protestant Christians do not include
This is the number of languages the Bible has been translated into.
What is 1200?
The New Testament was originally written on papyrus. A group of papyrus together is known as: A) Papyri B) A Catalog C) A Codex D) Scrolls
What is codex? The papyrus sheets were bound, or tied together in a configuration much more similar to modern books than to an elongated scroll. These groupings of papyrus were called a “codex” (plural: “codices”). The oldest copies of the New Testament known to exist today are: The Codex Alexandrius and the Codex Sinaiticus in the British Museum Library in London, and the Codex Vaticanus in the Vatican. They date back to approximately the 300’s AD. In 315 AD, Athenasius, the Bishop of Alexandria, identified the 27 Books which we recognize today as the canon of New Testament scripture.
True or False: The Bible was written over a 1600 year period by approximately 75 men. The time of the writing was from 4000 BC to AD 100.
False: The Bible was written over a 1600 year period by approximately 40 men. The time of the writing was from 1500 BC to AD 100.
The verse reference for "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for repoof, for correction, for training in righteousness."
What is 2 Timothy 3:16?
Which came first? A group of leaders made a list of the Cannon of Scripture (The books we have in our Bible today) so then Christians started using them or They were already widely used among Christians and the Council just confirmed which books should be counted as scripture?
What is "They were already widely used among Christians and the Council(s) just confirmed which books should be counted as scripture."
Why is it important to have so many manuscripts and scrolls of the Bible?
It is important because the more that we have the closer they are to the actual text. It is also important because of the few errors found in so many different manuscripts. When Biblical Scholars are looking at the manuscripts, they use the ones that are the oldest since they are more likely to be the most accurate.
5 of the following are reasons why the Church did not include the books of the Apocrypha and one is not a valid reason why they were not chosen. 1) Not on Earlier Lists 2) Rejected by many Scholars 3) Demonstrable Errors 4) Not in the Correct Language 5) No Evidence of Inspiration 6) Old Testament Complete
What is Not in the Correct Language?
There are over "______ some manuscripts and scrolls" of the Bible. A) 66,420 B) 20,000 C) 1,000 D) 100,000
What is A) 66,420 ?
This criteria is not included in the decision for which books of the Bible would be canonized (or included into scripture.) A) Prophetic Authorship B) Historical Location C) Witness of the Spirit D) Acceptance
What is historical location? The Bible was written all over the known world during the time period where scripture was being canonized. However, the churches seemed to speak for themselves by the witness of the Spirit and the wide acceptance of the same writings as to which parts should be considered Scripture. John 14:29 Prophetic authorship was also important since it was limited to people that had a first hand account or with Christ.
Why might it be so important to believe that all the Bible is true and not just different parts of it are true?
It is important because how can we believe a book to be true if we want to only believe parts of it. How can you fully trust a person that you don't trust?
The first hand-written English language Bible manuscripts were produced in the ____'s AD by ______.
The first hand-written English language Bible manuscripts were produced in the 1380's AD by John Wycliffe.
We no longer have any original manuscripts of which of the following: A) The first 5 books of the Old Testament (The Torah) B) The Gospels ( Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) C) The Entire New Testament D) Both the Old and New Testament
D) Both the Old and New Testament Although we no longer have the original manuscripts of these books, we have multiple manuscripts that are so close in accuracy therefore proving that the original scriptures did exist or no one would have such close accuracy.
_____% of the claimed 4,000 "mistakes" when finding the most accurate manuscripts of the Bible are dismissed because of a simple spelling or word order error.
What is 99%? These mistakes are things such as spelling "honor" as "honour" or saying the same thing a different way. The do not cause any theological or historical confusion. Things are just said a different way.
True or False: Jesus gives Testimony to the three parts of the Old Testament.
What is true? In Luke 24:44 Jesus gives testimony of the books of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms which are the three major categories of Old Testament Scripture. "These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me." Something to think about: if the Nature of God will preserve the Old Testament, the nature of God will also preserve the New Testament.
Skeptics used to argue that this language/people group mentioned in the Bible did not exist but now it can be studied at secular schools such as Harvard.
What is Hittite? Archeologist found evidence of this language's existence showing that the Hittite language was indeed real. Therefore this rebuttal from Bible skeptics is not an accurate nor powerful argument against the Bible.