For you soon-to-be drivers, this is speed limit on Highway 16.
What is 60mph?
The part of the electromagnet spectrum that the human eye can see.
What is visible light?
The type of material that light waves can pass through but the material scatters the light waves.
What is Translucent?
This candy's slogan is "Taste the Rainbow".
What are Skittles?
Einstein's theory of Special Relativity says that nothing with ____ can travel faster the the speed of light.
What is mass?
The law of reflection states this.
What is ... The angle of the reflection equals the angle of incidence?
Electromagnetic waves that have shorter wavelengths than those of microwaves produce this kind of light.
What is Infrared Light?
Radio waves have _____ frequencies than visible light.
What is lower?
These are the three primary colors.
What are red, blue and yellow?
The particle theory of light views a ray of light as a beam of individual particles called this.
What are photons?
Unfair Bonus Points - roll the dice to see what happens.
If it's an odd number, you get the points! If it's even, you lose the points.
Electromagnetic waves that have shorter wavelengths than those of visible light produce this type of light.
What is Ultraviolet light?
This type of ray is the most energetic electromagnetic wave.
What is Gamma Ray?
Daily Double
Explain scattering.
The type of lens that refracts light rays through a single point.
What is converging lens?
The quantum-mechanical theory says that light is both ___ and ___.
What is a particle and a wave?
This is what happens when light or sound waves encounter an obstacle. (List two options.)
What is reflect or refract?
This is WHY X-rays are used to look at bones/teeth.
What is...they have enough energy to pass through soft tissue but not enough energy to pass through bones.
These are three subtractive primary colors.
What is cyan, yellow and magenta?
The type of lens that refracts light, bending it outward and away.
What is a diverging lens?
The list of colors in the spectrum, in order from shortest to longest wavelength.
What is VIB G YOR?
This is the definition of Polarized light.
What is light waves that vibrate in only one plane?
This is the reason the sky looks blue.
What is...The light waves travel more directly in the day (shorter distance to get to Earth). The tiny particles scatter blue wavelengths (because they are shorter) so we see more blue light.
The colors of light that your mom's green dress is absorbing?
What are indigo, blue, orange and yellow?
Light waves cause these two things to oscillate.
What are magentic and electric fields?