Light is this kind of wave. Complete the following: the waves are oscillating in _____ and ____ fields. (Not asking for transverse of longitudinal).
What is an electromagnetic wave? Electric and magnetic fields. (p 370)
The law of reflection.
What is happening when the angle of reflection equals the angle of incidence?
What happens visually when the object sits on the focal point?
Uses the properties of reflection to predict the position, size and orientation of an image formed by a curved mirror.
What is ray tracing?
In a ray diagram: the straight line that passes through the center of the mirror.
What is the optical axis of the mirror?
This property of light determines it's color.
What is wavelength? (p 371)
An image formed as a result of extrapolating light beams.
Name a mirror which bends toward an object.
What is a convex mirror?
The optical radius of a mirror is 2X the distance from the mirror as this.
What is the optical focus?
Describe how the curve of the mirror effects the location of the focal point.
The more curved the mirror the closer the focal point will be to the mirror.
This is the speed of light in a vacuum.
What is approximately 3 x 10^8 meters/second?
An image formed by intersecting light beams.
What is a real image?
3 ways to identify/describe a mirror image.
What is magnified/reduced; upright/inverted, and real/virtual?
The study of the propagation and behavior of light.
What is optics?
Using rules on page 392, determine what king of image will be seen in the mirror for diagram concave #1. All students attempt. 3-5 minutes. Colored lines.
Diagram concave #1.
Definition of longitudinal waves (sound).
What are waves whose propagation is parallel to its oscillation?
If the angle of incidence is 30* when light strikes a mirror, what is the angle of reflection?
What is 30*?
Distance from the center of the circle to the mirror.
What is the radius of curvature (R)?
What famous scientist from Discoverers wrote a book on optics?
Who is Sir Isaac Newton?
Using rules on page 392, determine what king of image will be seen in the mirror for diagram concave #2. All students attempt. 3-5 minutes. Colored lines.
Diagram Concave #2.
When waves add together to make bigger waves.....and when waves overlap in a way that cancels each other out........
What is constructive and destructive interference?
A wave whose propagation is perpendicular to its oscillation. Give an example.
What is a transverse wave? Example: light or ocean waves.
A type of mirror with very precise optics and no spherical aberration.
What is a parabolic mirror?
A famous scientist from Discoverers who worked with lenses/mirrors to 'create' the telescope.
Who is Hans Lippershey or Galileo?
Using rules on page 392, determine what king of image will be seen in the mirror for diagram concave #3. All students attempt. 3-5 minutes. Colored lines.
Diagram concave #3.