Why colonize?
MERCANTILISM - A way nations become more powerful
1. How would England benefit from creating colonies in the New World?
2.How was the Chesapeake Bay more appealing to English Colonists?
3. What goals did Powhaten have for these new English Colonists?
A) Power ,B) Wealth, c)_Land
A) Navigable Rivers, B) Fertile Soil, c) Good Harbors
A) Create Alliance, B) Trade for Guns, c) Use them to destroy enemies
Founder, Reason founded, and reason why Colonists Or Natives thought they should have the land
John Smith - No work No eat
Economic opportunity
Colonists - We have guns, a charter, and natives arent using it
Natives - We had it first, its been ours for generations
Who founded it, reason founded, why they came
William Bradford- Pilgrim / John Winthrop - Puritan
Religious freedom
Pilgrims came because - Wanted to separate form the church of england (Lower class)
Puritans came because - Wanted a more pure form of their religion (Middle class)
Both came because - Wanted to freely practice their religion
How does bacons rebellion begin?
Who did gov. Berkeley support and did not support
Begins as a conflict between - Frontier Settlers & the Natives
Gov. Berkeley refuses to support the settlers (his OWN people!!) , Governor Berkeley supports: the Native Americans
Done what 2 ways?
"Enslaved Natives to do the work & Spain gets the resources."
"Laws that regulate trade with the colonies to maximize the resources."
4. Who led the 1st Colony at Jamestown?
5. Geographically, what was (A) good / (B) bad about the land?
6. Looking at the map, why do you think early settlements were founded on the coast / rivers?
John Smith
A)_ Swamps protected, B)_Swamps = Disease
A) Fertile Soil ,c) Protection ,B) Transportation D) fresh water
Who founded it, reason founded, and why they came
Lord Baltimore
Religious freedom
Catholics were mistreated in England, Act of Toleration - Allowed both Protestants and Catholics to practice their religions
Who founded it, reason founded, what were the fundamental orders of connecticut
Thomas hooker
Political freedom
Fundamental ord. of con.
1.All men who owned land could vote
2. Limited the power of the governor
Who was Gov. Berkeley's opponent?
Who followed Bacon?
Nathaniel Bacon
(A) Ind. Servants (c) Free Men
(B) Poor Farmers (D) Slaves
What were the 4 specific laws of the navigation acts? Examples of certain goods that can only be traded with England ?
1) All Exports had to pass through English Ports
2) All boat crews HAD to be 3/4 English
3) Trade with colonies ONLY on English ships
4) Certain goods could ONLY be traded with England
Sugar, rice, tobacco
7. Describe the relationship between the natives and colonists.
8. What shift in business theory by the VA Company allowed Jamestown to prosper?
9. What crop saves Jamestown as a colony?
War continually broke out - English took captives and STARVED them
They allowed colonist to own their own land
The Carolinas (North and South Carolina)
Who founded it, reason founded, and why did the Carolinas split
The lord Proprietors
Economic opportunity
Plantation differences - North carolina ~small farms, tobacco
South carolina - ~large farms, rice
New Hampshire
Who founded it, reason founded, why people came
Settlers from Massachusetts
Economic opportunity
Population Boom
1. Settelers needed land
2. Indentured servants needed land
Importance of Bacons rebellion?
What can the rebellion be compared to?
A) First struggle of Common Man vs Aristocrats, (B) a fight between Frontier vs Tidewater and (C) 1st defiance of against British Authority
American revolution 100 years later
Purpose of colonies and mother country?
Colonies - 1. Provide Resources 2.Provide Market for finished goods
Mother country - 1. Provide Military Support 2.Provide Laws to guide colonies
10. Who benefited most from the Headright System?
11. (A) What was England's "gift" to Virginia and (B) why was it important?
12. What is the result of a 2nd war with Powhaten's people?
10. Wealthiest colonists
11. A) House of Burgesses ,B) 1st instance of "self-rule"
12. They become a Royal Colony
Who founded it, reason founded, what did it do
John Oglethorpe
Free debtors from English jails, Buffer from the Spanish
Protection from Spanish Florida
Rhode Island
Who founded it, reason founded, Beliefs of William
Roger williams
Religious and Political freedom
1.Separation of church and state
2. Freedom of religion
3. Role of govt. is to maintain peace and order
Frontier .. Tidewater
*Western Frontier
* Hillier, Rockier
*Small Farms
* Few, if any, slaves
* Poorer
*German, Scotch, Irish, Indentured Servants
Eatstern shore
Fertile plains
Large plantations
Large # of slaves
Positives and Negatives of Columbian exchange
Positives -
More resources for the mother country
Population growth in europe
Introduction of foreign animals & plants
Negatives -
Spread of Disease
Invasive Species
13. According to the Infographic, what was the most deadly Year for Jamestown settlers?
Why does John Rolf Risk Everything?
What does John Rolf find in
What is something residents did
not have to eat in the winter of
What was England “addicted” to?
What smart thing does Rolf do?
America’s the Land of
The Starving Time
Oak Leaves
Marry Pocahontas
6. How many people arrive two
years after Rolf?
7.What is at the center of the
Pilgrim’s lives?
8. When do the Pilgrims Arrive?
9. More than ___% of America can
trace their Ancestry back to The
10. What saves the Pilgrims?
Willingness to ally with
Indian Tribe
Results of bacons rebellion?
A. Exposed resentments between inland
frontiersmen/landless former servants against wealthy gentry on coastal plantations.
B. Upper class planters searched for laborers less
likely to rebel- black slaves
c. Gave right to political participation to more
small landowners