The difference between an algorithm and a flowchart.
An algorithm is a list, and a flowchart contains the steps of the algorithm.
Tom wakes up. 2.Tom puts on shoes. 3.Tom takes a shower. Does Tom pay attention to sequence?
What is the file type in MIT App Inventor?
An end-user is drawing on a screen. With what layer is he/she interacting?
View Layer.
What did we find in our pallet pane?
What is a conditional question?
A question that looks for yes or no answers.
If I need to delete a block of code in my program where is that done?
Blocks Editor
The component that can read what I type in an audible robot voice
What is TextToSpeech?
The Font size property for the JokeButton is 25 on the property column, Designer View. I'm coding this button and I want to change the Font size to 20. What Layer I'm I creating?
Controller Layer
The blocks of code that do the important actions in the program.
The difference between a linear algorithm and a conditional algorithm.
The diamond shape
The conditional statement/Question
Two different paths for solving the same task.
What type of built-in block do you need to use when using boolean logic?
It is important to plan by identifying the series of steps that a robot needs to follow. This process is called_______.
What is algorithmic thinking?
When I'm introducing my personal information in the app, what Layer is being changed?
Model Layer
What is the difference between a label and a textbox in MIT App Inventor?
Labels give info to the user; the user enters information into a textbox.
When can algorithms be used?
To design a solution to any problem/task.
If I want to have all of my components arranged in the middle of my Screen, what property do I need to change?
Align Horizontal to Center to 3.
What is the difference between a setter and a getter block?
What is the... The setter block has the word set in the block of code, and the way the setter connects is different than the getter block. They are various colors: the setter is dark green, and the getter is light green. The setter changes the property, and the getter retrieves the property as a component.
A computer scientist is bringing an audio file from a different source, what is he doing?
Introducing data in the App.
Name at least three properties of any component.
Left : 1 ▾
Top : 1 ▾
text Color
Font Size
Why are flowcharts effective?
It's easy to visualize the actions/steps that need to be programmed.
What is the difference between a program and an algorithm?
The program completes an objective by using algorithms.
An app has the design requirements of playing music when a button is clicked, and resetting the player when the device is shaken. What are the events in those requirements?
A button is clicked, and a device is shaken.
I want to program the HelloButton within an app to start playing an audio file when I do a Long click. What layer I'm building?
Controller Layer
What are the events in the following design requirements?
A start button is pushed and it begins a clock.
The clock counts down from 30 and ends at 0, if the clock reaches zero the user gets a point.
The next screen button is pushed and opens a different screen.
The start button is pushed, the clock counts down from 30, next screen button is pushed.