This was the first country to grant women the right to vote.
What is New Zealand?
If you competed on Jeopardy, you are ineligible to be a contestant on this show.
What is Wheel of Fortune?
Pre-dating most of you, Trebek hosted Jeopardy for this many years.
What is 36?
Canada has two national sports: hockey and this.
What is lacrosse?
Edward Jenner created the first vaccine for this back in 1798.
What is smallpox?
It is mandatory to vote in this country. Failure to do so can result in fines ranging from $20-$55.
What is Australia?
Ken Jennings holds the record for most consecutive Jeopardy games won - this many.
What is 74?
Trebek was born in this province, Canada's most populous.
What is Ontario?
With an estimated population of 500,000-1M, these giant animals are native to Canada.
What are moose?
Second to the flu vaccine, this is the most common vaccine for adults, often given before attending college.
What is meningitis?
While election day in the US falls on Tuesday, in most countries it falls on this day.
What is Sunday?
Several wagers are banned on Jeopardy, including $69 and this devilish number.
What is $666?
Nominated for 34 Daytime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Game Show Host, he won this many.
What is 7?
Located in the Yukon territory and towering almost 20,000 feet, this is the tallest peak in Canada.
What is Mount Logan?
The DTaP, or TDaP, is a commonly administered vaccine for children. It stands for diptheria, tetanus and this "P" disease.
What is pertussis?
The first two black senators, Hiram Revels and Blanche Bruce, both represented this Deep South state.
What is Mississippi?
This is the most frequent Jeopardy category. Hope you know your way around!
What is geography?
As a child, it was the higher calling that Trebek originally felt compelled to follow.
What is priesthood?
Canada is approx. 9.9M sq kilometers making it the second largest country in the world. This largest country in the world is almost 2x that size, at 17M sq km.
What is Russia?
Despite over 200 million cases of this last year, there is still no vaccine to treat it.
What is malaria?
You have to be 35 to run for US president, but you can start your political career a bit sooner as a senator at this age.
What is 30?
While you can wager $0 in Final Jeopardy, this is the minimum wager for Double Jeopardy.
What is $5.
In 2011, Trebek received this award for, "encouraging, celebrating and rewarding knowledge." No tiny feat.
What is a Peabody Award?
You'll be seeing a lot more of this Canadian-born actor who recently starting portraying the president-elect on SNL.
Who is Jim Carrey?
The "Cutter Incident" was a result of Cutter Laboratories' vaccine producing over 250 cases of this, the disease it was intended to prevent.
What is polio?