Identify the red bone in the figure.
Humerus connect with scapula or clavicle?
Identify the red bone in the figure.
Is sacrum and coccyx part of pelvic girdle?
Yes, because it forms the posterior part of pelvic girdle.
Identify the red bone in the figure.
Radial bone.
How many bones does finger consists?
Each finger consists of three bones: proximal, middle, and distal phalanx
Identify C.
Coracoid process
Identify the color regions.
Compare and contrast the adult male and female pelvic bones.
The female pelvis is larger and broader than the male pelvis.
Identify the red bone in the figure.
Tibial bone
Which finger has only 2 phalanges?
Index finger.
Identify B and A.
B- Acromion
A- Glenoid cavity.
What is the strongest bone in the human body?
Identify purple and red region.
Purple- Ilium
Red- Pubis
Where does Femur connect to in Pelvic girdle?