Apples are part of this food group
What is a fruit?
The outside, protective covering
What is the skin?
A delicious drink made from apples
What is Juice?
Apple trees can live to be how old and still produce apples?
C. Over 200 years
The amount of sodium, fat and cholesterol found in an apple
What is ZERO?
The small piece holding an apple on the tree
What is a stem?
A sweet dessert that is round
What is apple pie?
How many varieties of apples are grown throughout the world?
B. 7500
With only 80 calories, eating an apple for snack helps keep me…
What is trim?
The white part we eat
What is flesh?
Spread this on toast
What is butter?
Apples should be stored where to keep them freshest?
B. Refrigerator
Finish this saying.
“An apple a day keeps ___ away?
What is a doctor?
The part of the apple that ensures another tree will grow
What is the seed?
Kids’ favorite way to eat apples, sometimes with cinnamon
What is applesauce?
What city is sometimes called the “Big Apple”?
A. New York
What is a good source of…
What is fiber?
The inside of the apple that holds the seed chamber.
What is the core?
Dip apples slices in this creamy food to add protein to your snack
What is peanut butter?
How many apples does it take to make 1 gallon of cider?
B. 36-42