The nurse asks Robbie open-ended questions to determine his understanding of his health condition and treatment. What role is the nurse taking on?

Educator "8.2 Applies strategies to optimize client health literacy" (CNO, 2019)


The nurse doesn't have much experience with mental health patients so she decides to do research on de-escalation strategies for mental health patients. What role is the nurse taking on?

Scholar "9.1 Uses best evidence to make informed decisions" (CNO, 2019)


Robbie is going to be transferred to a mental health facility tomorrow so the nurse pages the social worker, psychiatrist, primary physician, and speaks with the sister to create a plan for the patient. What role is the nurse taking on?

Collaborator "4.2 Initiates collaboration to support care planning and safe, continuous transitions from one health care facility to another, or to residential, community or home and self-care" (CNO, 2019)


You are assigned to Robbie again the next day so you decide to approach the situation differently. In the morning you ask Robbie what you can do to help make him feel less anxious. You listen to his concerns and he says noise and light makes him stressed. You take this into consideration when performing any care for Robbie. What role is the nurse taking on?

Communicator "3.2 Engages in active listening to understand and respond to the client's experience, preferences, and health goals" (CNO, 2019). 


The nurse comes to her shift the next day and notices Robbie seems more calm yet is still in restraints. She speaks with the healthcare team to assess whether the restraints are necessary. What role is the nurse taking on?

Advocate "7.4 Advocates for health equity for all, particularly for vulnerable and/or diverse clients and populations" (CNO, 2019)


The nurse is assigned to Robbie the next day. He continues to call the nurse names and make rude remarks. The nurse remains calm and avoids reacting personally. She demonstrates empathy while calmly explaining that certain language is inappropriate. What role is the nurse taking on?

Professional "2.6 Establishes and maintains professional boundaries with clients and the health care team" (CNO, 2019)


The nurse routinely assesses Robbie's mental health status throughout his stay, observing for any changes in mood or behaviour. This will allow her to address any emerging issues promptly and adjust the care plan as needed to support his mental health. What role is the nurse taking on?

Clinician "1.19 Incorporates mental health promotion when providing nursing care" (CNO, 2019)


After reading his medical history of anxiety, bipolar disorder, and depression, you want to approach Robbie's assessment differently. The next morning you complete your head-to-toe and include a mental status examination. What role is the nursing taking on?

Clinician "1.2 Conducts a holistic nursing assessment to collect comprehensive information on client status" (CNO, 2019). 


The nurses colleague is assigned to Robbie and 4 other patients. She recognizes that her colleague may have a heavy and stressful workload. The nurse offers her colleague assistance and tells her to reach out whenever she needs help. What role is the nurse taking on?

Leader "6.4 Participates in creating and maintaining a healthy, respectful, and psychologically safe workplace" (CNO, 2019)


Robbie expresses again that the nurse is "out to get him". The nurse acknowledges his feelings and reassures him of their intent to provide care and support. What role is the nurse taking on?

Communicator "3.2 Engages in active listening to understand and respond to the client's experience..." (CNO, 2019)


The nurse informs Robbie about his rights as a patient including the right to consent or refuse treatment while considering his mental health status. What role is the nurse taking on?

Advocate "7.12 Advocates for client's rights and ensures informed consent, guided by legislation, practice standards, and ethics" (CNO, 2019)


After reviewing Robbie's chart data you notice that his sister is his substitute decision maker. Moving forward you actively involve his sister in discussions about his treatment options and ensure that she understands her role in Robbie's care as SDM. What role is the nurse taking on?

Advocate "7.13 Demonstrates knowledge of a SDM's role in providing informed consent and decision-making for client care" (CNO, 2019). 


Robbie is calling the nurse names and refuses his morning meds. The nurse uses conflict resolution strategies and Robbie begins to soften and open up to her. This leads to Robbie taking his meds. What role is the nurse taking on?

Communicator "3.4 Uses conflict resolution strategies to promote healthy relationships and optimal client outcomes" (CNO, 2019)


After the nurse's shift with Robbie she provides the oncoming nurse with constructive feedback about how Robbie's care might be improved. What role is the nurse taking on?

Leader "6.9 Provides constructive feedback to promote professional growth of other members of the health care team" (CNO, 2019)


You notice Robbie is becoming shaky and sweaty so you complete his POCT and it shows that his glucose levels are very low. You quickly page the doctor and assess Robbie further. What role is the nurse taking on?

Clinician "1.9 Recognizes and responds immediately when client safety is affected" (CNO, 2019)


The nurse has Robbie again the next day. She realizes that she did not handle the whole situation the best way. She recognizes her role in Robbie's outcomes and acknowledges that she did not provide the best care for Robbie yesterday so she wants to take corrective actions. What role is the nurse taking on?

Professional "2.1 Demonstrates accountability, accepts responsibility, and seeks assistance as necessary for decision and actions within the legislated scope of practice" (CNO, 2019) 


The nurse had a hard time yesterday caring for Robbie. Today, she starts her day reviewing Robbie's plan of care and assessing his immediate needs. She realizes she needs to prioritize interventions to reduce Robbie's agitation. What role is the nurse taking on?

Coordinator "5.3 Organizes own workload, assigns nursing care, sets priorities, and demonstrates effective time management skills" (CNO, 2019)


The nurse uses a new strategy to reduce Robbie's agitation. She notices that it didn't work so she tries something else. This time Robbie is a lot more cooperative so she makes sure to implement the strategy into his care and makes note of it on his chart. What role is the nurse taking on?

Leader "6.2 Integrates continuous quality improvement principles and activities into nursing practice" (CNO, 2019)
