What are the receptive skills?
listening and reading
It is a type of teaching method in which complex real-world problems are used as the vehicle to promote student learning
Problem-based learning
What are stages in teaching listening?
pre-listening, while-listening, post-listening
Why do we need a lesson plan?
*Personal opinion
Suggested answer.Before planning a lesson, it is essential to classify the learning outcomes for the class. It is important because it helps the teacher in maintaining a standard teaching pattern and does not let the class deviate from the topic.
Decipher TBL
Task-based learning
Decipher ESA
Engage, Study, Activate
Ways of reading are...
skimming, scanning, intensive reading, extensive reading
Stages of the lesson plan
1.warm up
2.main part
3.follow up
SAMR modeli nechta bosqichdan iborat va ular qaysilar?
1. Almashtirish
2. Kengaytirish
3. O'zgartirish
4. Qayta ishlash
What are the levels of CEFR?
1. Элементарный уровень (А1).
2. Базовый уровень (А2).
3. Первый сертификационный уровень (В1).
4. Второй сертификационный уровень (В2).
5. Третий сертификационный уровень (С1).
6. Четвёртый сертификационный уровень (С2).
Congratulations!!! You are lucky. You have bonus 300 points for free!
Congratulations!!! You have bonus 300 points
Decipher these abbreviations PPP and TTT.What are they?
PPP - presentation, practice and production
TTT - test, teach, test
They are approaches
What is delayed feedback?
It's oral correction at the end of an activity rather than shortly after the mistake was made.
Name skills and aspects
Skills: listening, reading, speaking, writing;
Aspects: grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, spelling.
List modes of interaction..
group - work, team-work, pair-work, individual
What are the stages of reading
Pre reading, while-reading, post reading
Why do we need warm-up stage?
Personal opinion
What is the difference between active and passive vocabulary?
Passive vocabulary refers to words that learners understand but are not yet able to use. Active vocabulary, on the other hand, is the words that learners understand and use in speaking or writing.
Name 10 ESL teaching methods
The Direct Method. ...
The Grammar Translation Method. ...
The Audio Lingual Method. ...
The Structural Approach. ...
Suggestopedia. ...
Total Physical Response. ...
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) ...
The Silent Way
Task-based learning
Problem-based learning