In Aristotelian argument, this mode of persuasion relates to the use of logic and reason.
What is logos?
Rogerian argument is based on the ideas of Carl Rogers, who worked in this field.
What is psychology/counseling?
Toulmin focuses on this many key terms in the Toulmin method of argument.
What is three?
Breaking Bad is a great television show.
What is a claim of value?
This is the title of the course textbook.
What is The Structure of Argument?
In Aristotelian argument, this mode of persuasion focuses on the speaker's/writer's credibility.
What is ethos?
Rogers believed that this activity created a healing effect.
What is speaking and listening?
These are the key terms in the Toulmin method of argument.
What are claim, support, and warrant?
All SUNY Delhi professors should be required to take attendance.
What is a claim of policy?
Dr. West's office hours are on these days.
What are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays?
In Aristotelian argument, this mode of persuasion focuses on emotional/psychological appeals.
What is pathos?
The Rogerian approach to argument involves this many steps.
What is five?
This term is used to describe an assumption in the Toulmin method of argument.
What is warrant?
The New York Jets will win the Super Bowl this year.
What is a claim of fact?
Your post for Discussion Forum #2 is due on this date.
What is Sunday, February 9
For Aristotle, in an ideal perfect world, this mode of persuasion would be the primary consideration?
What is logos?
This is the first step in the Rogerian argument process.
What is stating the issue objectively?
According to Toulmin, there are this many types of claims.
What are three?
It is morally wrong to smoke marijuana.
What is a claim of value?
Your posts to Discussion Forum #3 are due on this date.
What is Sunday, February 16?
Aristotelian argument focuses on this primary goal?
This is the final step in the Rogerian method of argument.
What is propose a solution?
Toulmin focuses on these three kinds of claims.
What are claims of fact, claims of value, and claims of policy?
The earth’s temperatures have been rising over the last two decades.
What is a claim of fact?
The Personal Wellness Essay is due on this date.
What is Sunday, March 16?