Pacific Northwest
YA Fiction
History of Computer Programming
80s Movies

This best-selling Commodore computer, released in 1982, featured 64KB of RAM, a MOS 6510 CPU at 1MHz, and the iconic SID 6581 sound chip, which was a three-voice programmable sound generator that could produce pulse waves, sawtooth waves, and triangle waves, plus pseudorandom noise.

What is the Commodore 64?


This marine mammal, known for its intelligence and playful nature, can kill sharks or whales by ramming, biting, and suffocation.

What are orcas (killer whales)?


This Rick Riordan series follows Percy Jackson, a teenager who discovers he's the son of a Greek god and must train at a special camp for demigods.

What is Percy Jackson & the Olympians?


These cards were an early method for storing data and instructions for computers.

What are punch cards?


A young hacker accidentally accesses a powerful military supercomputer that he believes is just a video game. 

What is War Games?


This was the successor to the Commodore 64 and boasted several improvements, including increased memory (128KB), a higher-resolution graphics mode (80 columns), and compatibility with both Commodore 64 software and CP/M, an operating system used by many business computers of the era.

What is the Commodore 128?


A popular tourist destination, this scenic archipelago off the coast of Washington state is famous for its dramatic rock formations, abundant wildlife, and artistic communities.

What are the San Juan Islands?


In this series by Brandon Mull, Kendra and Seth Sorensen find a hidden world filled with mythical creatures.

What is Fablehaven?


Considered the "first programmer" and collaborator with Charles Babbage on the Analytical Engine, who is credited with writing the first algorithm intended for a computer?

Who is Ada Lovelace?


A young boy falls into a ravine and is knocked unconscious and wakes up eight years later with no memory of what happened, and later finds he has a telepathic connection to a space ship.

What is Flight of the Navigator?


Nicknamed the "1977 Trinity" by Byte Magazine, name one of the three personal computers that were all released in 1977 and are considered to have helped popularize home computing.  Here are some hints: They were made by Apple, Commodore, and Tandy.

What is the TRS-80, or Apple II, or Commodore PET?


This stratovolcano in Washington state is the highest mountain in the Cascade Range and the most glaciated peak in the lower 48 states.

What is Mount Rainier?


This Brandon Sanderson series features a group of teenagers with unique magical abilities who are recruited to a secret organization tasked with protecting the world from evil librarians who seek to control all knowledge.

What is Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians?


Invented by John Backus in the 1950s, this influential programming language was notable for its use of mathematical notation and is considered a foundational language for many modern languages.

What is FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslation)?


Tiny robotic aliens arrive on Earth to help save a failing apartment building from demolition by a greedy developer. 

What is Batteries Not Included?


For how much did Commodore secure a perpetual license to BASIC for the C64 from Microsoft, avoiding per-unit royalty costs of $3?



An iconic fish of the Pacific Northwest, these anadromous fish spend their juvenile lives in freshwater streams before migrating to the ocean to mature. After several years at sea, they return to the same freshwater streams where they hatched to spawn, completing their life cycle.

What is Pacific salmon?


In this Rick Riordan series, Carter and Sadie Kane, siblings living in Brooklyn, discover they are descended from a long line of Egyptian pharaohs and must use their newfound powers to stop an ancient god from rising.

What is The Kane Chronicles?


Before the invention of high-level languages, programmers directly interacted with the computer's hardware using this low-level language consisting of instructions specific to a particular CPU.

What is machine code or assembly language?


This Cold War spy thriller isn't your typical children's movie. A young boy's imaginary friend based on a video game character comes to life to help him navigate a real-life espionage adventure.

What is Cloak & Dagger?


In addition to computers, what other electronics did Commodore manufacture?

What are calculators?


What city in the Pacific Northwest is named after a Native American tribe whose name translates to "children of the sun" in the Salish language?

What is Spokane?


This Rick Riordan series follows Magnus Chase, a homeless teenager in Boston who discovers he is the son of a Norse god and must embark on a quest to prevent Ragnarok, the destruction of the world.

What is Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard?


This operating system, released in 1991, is known for its modular design, flexibility, stability and security, and a large and active developer community.

What is Linux?


A seemingly ordinary video game turns out to be a recruitment tool for a real interstellar war. 

What is The Last Starfighter?
