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Pure Doctrine
He spoke on Fatherhood.
Who is Elder D. Todd Christofferson?
This is the number of dedicated and functioning temples on the earth today.
What is 150?
Elder D. Todd Christofferson handed these out on the doorsteps of people in his “rather small community” .
What are flyers of his Father who was running for City Counsel?
This member of the first presidency conducted the first session of Sunday’s conference.
Who is President Henry B. Eyring?
Elder Robert D. Hales made reference to this member of the Godhead when he stated, "“The ____ _______ provides personal revelation to help us make major life decisions about such things as education, missions, careers, marriage, children, where we will live with our families, and so on,”
What is the Holy Ghost?
Elder Quentin L. Cook spoke about seeing ourselves in these holy places.
What are the Holy Temples?
This was the number of operating temples when President Monson became an apostle.
What is 12?
Bishop Waddell shared a story of a 4 year old boy in a primary class who said it is sometimes hard for me to think of this person.
Who is Jesus?
A picture of this was shown in Elder Holland's talk at the end of Sunday's second session.
What is a dinosaur attempting to eat two kids?
This servant of the Lord said, "Serving in the temple is a rich and powerful experience for people of all ages."
Who is Elder Kent F. Richards?
He spoke of making choices.
Who is President Thomas S. Monson?
The total number of sheep in the parable shared by President Uchtdorf.
What are 100?
In Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson’s talk, she spoke of a mother who had to fly with her toddler son to Primary Children’s Hospital. The mother looked out the window of the chopper and saw they were directly above this
What is the Draper City Temple?
What was the celestial language that President Uchtdorf spoke of in the second session on Sunday?
What is German?
President Uchtdorf said that "_________" is the lifeblood of faith.
What is Obedience?
Elder Paul V. Johnson spoke of this amazing blessing that results from the atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ.
What is resurrection?
Elder Gerrit W. Gong stated that the population in Asia is ____, nearly 1/2 of the world's population.
What is 3.6 Billion?
In President Uchtdorf's story about the bombings in Germany, these were the white and green flares that were dropped to show where to drop the bombs.
What are Christmas Trees?
These are the 4 new temples announced by President Monson.
What are the 1 -Quito, Ecuador 2 - Harare, Zimbabwe 3 - Belém, Brazil, and 4 - Lima, Peru temples?)
Elder Dallin H. Oaks talked about three words from the scriptures that describe how Satan will work on us. Name two of these three words.
What are RAGE in the hearts of men, PACIFY and LULL.
He spoke on the Gift of the Holy Ghost.
Who is Elder Robert D. Hales?
This is the number of temples that will be functioning when all of the temples that have been announced are completed.
What is 177?
Elder Dallin H. Oaks was prompted by the Holy Ghost to visit this person on his way home from work.
Who is a widow?
President Monson was called as a General Authority in this year.
What is 1963?
Two of Sunday morning's speakers referred to a specific part of Lehi's vision of the tree of life. They referred to this large object.
What is the great and spacious building?