Saturday AM Session
Saturday PM Session
Sunday AM Session
Sunday PM Session
The number of sisters who either spoke or prayed during the Saturday and Sunday sessions of General Conference?
What is four?
Who said: "All of us have had our faith tested by precious blessings delayed, vicious attacks of those who wanted to destroy our faith, temptations to sin, and selfish interests that reduced our efforts to cultivate and soften the spiritual depths of our hearts. …"
Who is President Henry B. Eyring "Where Two or Three Are Gathered"
What did Elder M. Russell Ballard says has always been needed in the church as well as in society?
What are Family councils?
President Monson stated that "It has been said that the door of history turns on small [ _______ ], and so do people’s lives. The choices we make determine our destiny".
What is hinges?
________ stated that:"The Holy Ghost is the medium for God’s work, in families and throughout the Church. …The Holy Ghost provides personal revelation to help us make major life decisions about such things as education, missions, careers, marriage, children, where we will live with our families, and so on. In these matters, Heavenly Father expects us to use our agency, study the situation out in our minds according to gospel principles, and bring a decision to Him in prayer. …"
Who is Elder Robert D. Hales?
Elder Kent F. Richards of the Seventy stated that "There are more than _______ ordinance workers in the ____ operating temples around the world. Yet there is opportunity for even more to have this sweet experience. …
What are 120,000 and 150
The color of Elder Uchtdorf's tie in this session
What is Blue?
According to _______________, "… The act of partaking of the sacrament, in and of itself, does not remit sins. But as we prepare conscientiously and participate in this holy ordinance with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, then the promise is that we may always have the Spirit of the Lord to be with us. And by the sanctifying power of the Holy Ghost as our constant companion, we can always retain a remission of our sins. …"
Who is Elder David A. Bednar?
Elder D. Todd Christofferson spoke specifically to the _________ of the Church.
What are fathers
Elder Dallin H. Oaks said that "Some opposition even comes from Church members who use personal reasoning or wisdom to resist prophetic direction — labeling themselves '_________________'." “However appropriate for a democracy, there is no warrant for this concept in the government of God’s kingdom, where questions are honored but opposition is not,”
What is "the loyal opposition.”?
President Thomas S. Monson announced that in the coming months and years, ____new temples will be build. Their locations are ________________________________.
What is 4? Their locations are: Quito, Ecuador; Harare, Zimbabwe; Belém, Brazil, and a second temple in Lima, Peru.
Who said that: "Our most fundamental doctrine includes the knowledge that we are children of a living God"; and that "a correct understanding of our heavenly heritage is essential to exaltation" as well as a foundation to comprehending the glorious plan of salvation and to nurturing faith Jesus Christ, and in His merciful Atonement. "Further, it provides continual motivation for us to make and keep our indispensable eternal covenants. …"
Who is Elder Donald L. Hallstrom of the Presidency of the Seventy? Talk" I Am a Child of God"
What did Elder Jairo Mazzagardi of the Seventy learn was the key reason … Why did the Church had to be restored in the United States and not in Brazil or Italy, the land of his ancestors? …
What is Cumorah, the place where the precious plates of the Book of Mormon were hidden. …?
Bonnie L. Oscarson, Young Women General President, said that ”she is often asked what is the greatest challenge our youth face today? I answer that I believe it is ever present influence of the ____________ in their lives”
What is the Great and Spacious Building
According to Elder Paul V. Johnson of the Seventy, who wrote, a month prior to dying of cancer: "Easter is a reminder of all that I hope for myself..... "That someday I will be healed and someday I will be whole. ... I am not praying that this happens soon, but I am so glad I truly believe in a beautiful afterlife."
Who is Elder Johnson's daughter Alisa?
This conference involved a discussion of 269 different topics. The topics most discussed were: _______ (375 times, _________ (375) times and _________ (374) times.
What are family, obedience, and service?
Elder Gary E. Stevenson mentioned three ways that young men and young women can find and use the keys of the priesthood and authority to bless their life and the lives of others. What are they?
What is "[1.] Prepare for Missionary Service … It is never too early for you to prepare for missionary service. … All of your preparation, … whether you serve as a full-time missionary or not, will accrue lifelong benefits to you as a member missionary. [2.] Attend the Temple … Ordinances performed in these temples enable individuals and families to return to the presence of our heavenly parents. … [3.] Go Forward with Faith … "...The First Presidency, have promised young people that they will have the support of and guidance of the Lord if they exercise faith, remember to pray, study the scriptures daily, strive to be obedient, follow the teachings of the prophets and be humble and willing to listen to the Holy Ghost."
In speaking of the hundreds of thousands of children, youth, and young adults who do not come from, for lack of a better term, “picture-perfect” families. … Elder Neil L. Andersen said "While a child’s earthly situation may not be ideal, a child’s ______ ______ is perfect because one’s true identity is as a son or daughter of God.
What is spiritual DNA ?
What did President Dieter F. Uchtdorf say, is the lifeblood of faith? Through it, one gathers light to his or her soul.
What is Obedience?
Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Presidency of the Seventy stated that each week, in partaking of the sacrament, we covenant to always remember Jesus Christ. Drawing on a few of the more than 400 scripture references to the word remember, He said that there are ________ ways we can always remember Him.
What is six? First, we can always remember Him by having confidence in His covenants, promises, and assurances. … Second, we can always remember Him by gratefully acknowledging His hand throughout our lives. … Third, we can always remember Him by trusting when the Lord assures us “he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more” [D&C 58:42]. … Fourth, He invites us to remember that He always welcomes us home. … Fifth, we can always remember Him on the Sabbath through the sacrament. Finally, sixth, our Savior invites us to always remember Him as He always remembers us.
The kind, color and number of flower seen behind each of the speakers at General Conference
What are tulip, purple and 10?
While serving in Africa, what principle did Elder Dale G. Renlund learn from Elder Wilford W. Andersen of the Seventy about helping Saints living in poverty:
What is: “The greater the distance between the giver and the receiver, the more the receiver develops a sense of entitlement.”
Name the four principles Elder Mervyn B. Arnold suggested that will help in our efforts to rescue our less-active and nonmember friends.
What are: 1: We Must Not Delay Going to the Rescue … 2: We Must Never Give Up … 3: How Great Shall Be Your Joy If You Bring Save It Be One Soul unto Christ … 4: No Matter Our Age, We Are All Called to Go to the Rescue …
Which speaker stated "To assist us in our search for peace amidst the daily challenges of life, we’ve been given a simple pattern to keep our thoughts focused on the Savior, who said: 'Learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my Spirit, and you shall have peace in me. I am Jesus Christ' [D&C 19:23–24]."
Who is Bishop W. Christopher Waddell, Second Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric?
The speaker who said "....the first great commandment of all eternity is to love God with all our heart, might, mind, and strength. That’s the first great commandment. But the first great truth of all eternity is that God loves us with all of His heart, might, mind, and strength. …"
Who is ElderJeffrey R. Holland ?