Diligent Missionary
Loyal Husband
Loving father
True disciple
Final Jeopardy

In Elder Uchtdorf's talk "A Higher Joy" he quoted the prophet/king Benjamin “when ye are in the service of ____ ye are only in the service of your God”

What is “your fellow beings”


This authority is a distinction between The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and others.

Priesthood Authority


This being oversaw the creation of this earth to provide an opportunity for you and me to have the stretching and refining experiences of mortality.

Heavenly Father


Jesus Christ is the ____ upon which we should build the foundation of our spiritual life.

What is Rock?


In the story David and Goliath, this was David's occupation before he killed Goliath.

A shepherd


These people should be a good example at church of what a loyal husband is.

Bishops and leaders


How Heavenly Father usually answers our prayers

Through the Holy Ghost


In Dale G Renlund's talk "The Virtuous Cycle of the Doctrine of Christ" he uses what story to illustrate the importance of spiritual Momentum?

Kayaking in Hawaii


In president Oaks' talk, titled "Covenants and Responsibilities," he mentions Joseph smith directing the construction of this temple.

What is the Nauvoo Temple


This prophet restored the keys of the gathering of Israel to Joseph Smith.

Who is Moses


In Elder Uchtdorf's talk he shares a story of the Wright Brothers taking somebody up in an airplane. Who was this person to them?

Their Father. 


In President Nelson's talk "Rejoice in the Gift of Priesthood Keys" he references when, on April 3, 1836, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery are visited by four individuals—name two.

Jesus Christ, Moses, Elias, Elijah


This Book of Mormon prophet spoke these words, repeated several times in the last General Conference: “I…beheld…the…covenant people of the Lord…and they were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory.”



In Niel L Anderson talk titled "Temples, Houses of the Lord Dotting the Earth." he invites us to do what concerning temples?

Increase attendance


This is the safest place to be spiritually.

Living inside your temple covenants


In President Eyrings talk in the last general conference, this was the reason why all would be well for his family no matter the outcome of the Teton Dam Collapse.

Temple Covenants


In President Susan H Porter's talk "Pray, He is There" she focuses on what three reasons to pray?

Pray to know, to Grow, Pray to show.


Elder Shane M. Bowen while in Jail prayed and remembered what? 

His Patriarchal Blessing.


Elder Massimo De Feo said we keep a clear spiritual vision when we focus on who?

Jesus Christ


Elder Michael T Nelson used the Example of Helaman and this group of warriors to illustrate how our relationship with our youth should be.

The Stripling Warriors


In elder Brian K Taylors talk titled "Swallowed Up in the Joy of Christ" he quotes this modern prophet when he says "As we look at all things with eternal perspective, it will significantly lighten our load."

President Nelson
