True or False?
Company Pranks
Main Idea

True or False: Another name for April Fools Day is "All You Are Fools Day"

False - it actually is "All Fools Day"


What is a "synonym"? Identify synonyms that go with the word "prank".

Practical joke, trick, game, hoax, mischievous act


The Kodak company played a prank in 2012 by announcing online a breakthrough in imaging science called LIVEprint which could print out this animal: 

A. Iguana
B. Ligea
C. Kitten
D. Shunicorn

A kitten


What is the central, or main, idea of this passage? Provide 1-2 supporting details to support your response.  

Marvel Universe is a fictional universe in which the comics from Marvel Entertainment are based. There have been approximately 20 movies starring the superheroes in the famous Marvel Universe comics. One of the most recent and most popular superheroes to star in their own movie is Black Panther - a man who is challenged with keeping his hometown of Wakanda safe from outsiders. Black Panther has super human speed, strength, night vision, and the ability to heal himself. Other super heroes in the Marvel Universe are Iron Man, Captain America, and Black Widow. Some of these heroes have joined together to form the Avengers, a team of superheroes that work together to fight "the foes no single superhero can withstand.” The Marvel Universe is based on comics written by Steve Ditko, Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, and others.



The central idea focuses on how Marvel Entertainment is a successful company that has put out 20 movies based on the famous comics. For example, in the article, it states that Black Panther is a popular superhero who has human speech and strength and tries to keep his hometown, Wakanda, safe. Another example is that "Some of these heroes have joined together to form the Avengers, a team of superheroes that work together to fight." These details show that Marvel Entertainment has successful movies with powerful superheroes that cause many people to watch and enjoy them.  


What is the name of the transatlantic steamer that got "stuck" in the Yadkin River?

A. Titanic
B. The Mayflower
C. Battleship USS Maine
D. S.S. Santa Pinta

D. S.S. Santa Pinta


True or False: April Fools' Day is a universal holiday, as it is celebrated all over the world



On April Fool's Day, people like to deceive others by pulling pranks on them. What does the word deceive mean?

Deceive (verb): make someone believe something that is not true


Google has played many April Fools' pranks. One year they said they would strap cameras to the heads of these animals in Australia so searchers could see beyond the roads:

A. Kangaroos
B. Pandas
C. Cobras
D. Sun Bears



Engaging in April Fool festivities can hopefully cause a lot of laughter. Which chemical is a natural painkiller that the body produces when a person laughs a lot? 

A. Endorphins
B. Kidney stones
C. Raid
D. Fabuloso

B. Endorphins


An early American prank involved the printing of a story in the New York Graphic newspaper about this famous inventor stating that he created a machine that could turn cereal into water. Which famous inventor is it?

A. Abraham Lincoln
B. John Lennon
C. Albert Einstein
D. Thomas Edison

D. Thomas Edison


 In 1957, a TV news show broadcasted a fake story about harvesting spaghetti off of trees in which country? 

A. Egypt
B. United States
C. Switzerland
D. Antarctica



Based on what you know, what do you think the word "Smellovision" could mean? 

A. Eating foods that are smelly
B. Watching videos online
C.  An invention that can transmit (or transfer) smells through a TV
D. Smell other people

C. An invention that can transmit (or transfer) smells through a TV


As a prank one year, this online company offered instant meals that could be made using a coffeemaker:

1. Costco
B. Target
C. Apple
D. ThinkGeek



Throughout history, there have been celebrations, pranks, and tricks during this time to mark the beginning of which season? 



Back then, Thomas Edison was famous for contributing to the three most amazing inventions ever -- the light bulb, motion pictures and a device that plays records. What device is this called?

A. iPad
B. Telephone
C. Phonograph
D. Automobile

C. Phonograph


True or False: A professor in Boston fabricated (or, made up) a story that there was a king named "King Kugel" who passed a law on April 1st and everyone believed in it.



What do you call a person whose job was to entertain royalty by dressing up in ridiculous clothing and making everyone laugh?

A. A circus clown
B. A court jester
C. A queen
D. A duke

B. A court jester


Burger King served a prank one year stating they made a "special" burger for this kind of person:

A. Person with glasses
B. Person who eats only burgers
C. Person who ?????
D. Person who is left handed

Left-handed whopper for a left-handed person


People think that pranks have been around for a long time because laughter can be the best form of this:

A. Honey
B. Medicine
C. Sickness
D. Happiness

B. Medicine


What is the name for a day of rejoicing (feeling great joy or happiness) in ancient Rome?

A. April Fool's Day
B. Voltan
C. Hilaria
D. Riaria

C. Hilaria


True or False: Stop playing April Fool's Jokes at 9 pm to avoid bad luck.

False - people claim it's best to stop playing at 12 pm.


Richard recognized his friend's plan to make him rich was all a hoax - his friend was only lying to him. What does hoax mean?

Hoax: a prank, act, or trick


ThinkGeek loves pranks and also said it was selling this product related to Angry Birds:

A. Bird seed
B. Pork rinds
C. Red and yellow peanuts
D. Carrots

Pork rinds


Watch the video and then identify the main idea and at least two supporting details from the video.

Main Idea: There are marshmallow fields in Puyallup. 

Supporting Details:

1. Cold and wet winters are perfect weather for marshmallow fields, as they can grow better in the spring. 

2. In late autumn, farmers pick marshmallow spores and then plant them in long rows in the ground.


Many historians believe that April Fools started in France sometime in the late 1500s. People who would not change to the new calendar were made fun of. People pulled pranks on those who didn't change to the new calendar, which included putting paper fish on their backs, symbolizing easily caught fish and a gullible (easily tricked) person. These people were called Poisson d'Avril, or ________________.

A. "April Fish"
B. "Idiots"
C. "Ice King"
D. "Hooks"

A. April Fish
