Around the World
Earth & Space

Where is the oldest baseball stadium located?

Boston. Fenway Park opened in 1912, making it the oldest

MLB stadium.


What is used to flavor black licorice?

Licorice extract and anise. The process begins with creating a licorice paste that is then shaped and glazed.


What does the French phrase Je t’aime mean in English?

“I love you.” The French language has several ways to say I love you, depending on to whom you are speaking.


What is the name for a group of crows?

A murder. Other interesting terms for groups of birds include a parliament of owls and a trembling of finches.


In which decade did Canada become a country: the 1860s, the 1890s, or the 1920s?

The 1860s. In 1867, the British North America Act created the Dominion of Canada, with the queen of England serving as head of state.


What sporting event is held annually on Memorial Day in Indiana?

The Indianapolis 500. The race has been hosted since 1911, when it drew a crowd of 80,000.


What actress stars in Casablanca, Spellbound, and Notorious?

Ingrid Bergman. She was nominated for seven Academy Awards over the course of her career and won three.


The Catholic pope is also known as the bishop of what city?



When Amazon was founded, what was the only product the company sold?

Books. In 1994, Jeff Bezos founded the online bookstore, which is now the largest online retailer.


What American author was born Samuel Clemens?

Mark Twain. His pen name was inspired by a steamboat term for 12 feet of water.


In what country did the sport of curling originate?

cotland. The sport dates back to the 16th century, and the first recorded game was played at Paisley Abbey between a monk and a relative of the abbott.


What TV show was hosted by Groucho Marx from 1950 to 1961?

You Bet Your Life. It was a quiz show with competitive questions interspersed with humorous conversation.


What is the only continent where mosquitos are not found?

Antarctica. Although other European nations have mosquitoes, the country of Iceland also shares the distinction of being mosquito-free.


Which planet in the solar system is the coldest?

Uranus. The coldest temperature ever measured on the planet was a brisk –371°F/–224°C.


What is Vivienne Westwood famous for?

Fashion designs. She and her partner Malcolm McLaren brought provocative punk and rock ’n’ roll clothing aesthetics into the mainstream.


What sports car company manufactures the 911?

Porsche. The Porsche automobile brand debuted the Type 356 in 1948, but Professor Ferdinand Porsche started designing his cars’ intricate parts as early as 1930.


Bronze is an alloy primarily made from which two elements?

Tin and copper. The earliest bronze artifacts were made around 4500 BC.


Tulip bulbs were once exchanged as currency in what city of the Netherlands?

Holland. The demand for tulips there in the 1600s was so high that some prized bulbs could be worth more than a house.


Believed to have been introduced to the United States from Mexico in the late 1800s, what plant does the boll weevil destroy?

A cotton plant. 


What year did the French Revolution start?



Who was the first football player to be featured on a Wheaties box: Dizzy Dean, Benny  Friedman, or Robert Kessler?

Benny Friedman. Friedman played eight seasons in the NFL in addition to his time as a college athlete.


Which actor portraying James Bond wore a toupee in all of his appearances as the character?

Sean Connery. Connery stopped wearing the hairpiece after his final Bond film, leading to his now-iconic look.


In what country would you find Mount Kilimanjaro?

Tanzania. It is a dormant volcano and the African

continent’s highest peak, measuring 19,340 feet high (5,895 meters).


What are the three layers of Earth?

The crust, mantle, and core. The core is further

divided into the outer and inner core, with each having a set of

unique characteristics.


The remains of which English monarch were found buried under a car park in 2012?

Richard III. The area is now a protected monument and is described as one of the most important sites in the nation’s history.
