Give an example of dharma and adharma.
Dharma --> not drinking alcohol
Adharma --> drinking alcohol
What is a leela charitra?
The divine incidents or stories of Maharaj and our gurus
What are the panchvishays?
1) Sight
2) Sound
3) Smell
4) Taste
5) Touch
Which mandir was Yogiji Maharaj the mahant of?
Akshar Mandir (Gondal)
Who won the 2024 NBA Finals?
Boston Celtics
What are the 4 core Hindu beliefs?
1) Karmavad
2) Avtaravad
3) Punarjamna
4) Murti Puja
How can we remember Maharaj and Swami more on a daily basis? Name 2 practical ways.
1) Watch Guruhari darshan videos
2) Listen to katha
3) Mansi puja
4) Satsang reading (jivan charita, satsang exam)
5) Chestha
Who taught Nilkanth Varni ashtang yog?
Gopal Yogi
Who said this quote?
"The world is full of negativities, the greatest cause of miseries, woes and what not"
Mahant Swami Maharaj
Who was the first pick in the NBA and NFL drafts?
NBA --> Zaccharie Risacher
NFL --> Caleb Williams
Name 5 of the 6 niyams PSM wrote on His famous niyam card during 1996 Catskills Shibhir
1) Do puja daily
2) Attend sabha regularly
3) Respect parents
4) Avoid bad books, company, TV, etc
5) Study hard
6) Read satsang books daily
What was Shriji Maharaj doing during the Shakotsav of Loya?
Cooking stir-fried eggplant
What does the Tilak Chandlo represent?
Tilak --> God's feet
Chandlo --> Us
We are bowing down to God's feet
Explain nischay, pragatpanu, divyabhav, dasbhav, and samp.
Nischay --> faith in Bhagwan & Sant
Pragatpanu --> Bhagwan present on Earth
Divyabhav --> seeing Bhagwan in all; divine
Dasbhav --> acting as each other's servants
Samp --> unity; teamwork
How many faces, vertices, and edges does a cube have?
Faces --> 6
Vertices --> 8
Edges --> 12
Who is Jill Price?
Person who could remember every part of her life since she was 14
What Vachnamrut talks about remembering Bhagwan's divine actions?
Fill in the blank:
"I am not a leader! I am a _______!" - Yogi Gita
What is Satsang Diksha shloka 116?
Nijatmanam Brahmanrupam Dehatrayavilakshanam
Vibhavya Tena Kartavya Bhaktiha Krushnasya Sarvatha
What is the capital of Norway?
What analogy does Maharaj give in G-1-23?
(Ask for hint if needed - 200 point deduction if so)
Emptying a pot of water versus Creating a steady stream of water. This shows if one wants to progress in satsang, one must constantly do/maintain satsang
What TWO kirtans were sang during the Fuldol celebration in Sarangpur?
1) Jaha Sadguru Khele Vasant
2) Maha Balwant Maya Tamari
What 3 attributes are needed in order be called a "staunch satsangi" as Maharaj describes in G-2-61?
1) Niyams
2) Faith in God
3) Loyalty
What is the opposite/antonym of sakar?
Nirakar (formless)
What is a female elephant called?