What's the opposite of dark
Where do you wear your school bag?
On your back
If it's hot in the classroom, you might o___ the w_____.
Open the window
How do you feel in class when you're not enjoying the lesson?
How many weeks are there in a year?
52 (fifty two)
What's the opposite of stupid?
What's the hard substance called that grows from your fingers and toes?
Nails! (fingernails and toenails)
What's the opposite of "open the door"?
How do you feel when you watch a horror film?
How many days are there in a year? (you have to pronounce the number correctly)
365 (three hundred and sixty five)
What's the opposite of beautiful/pretty?
What type of jewelry do you wear in your ears?
When it's windy and the classroom windows are open, these things move.
How do you feel if you have tickets to a concert for your favorite band?
How many vowels are in the English alphabet?
5 (sometimes 6 if you count Y)
What's the opposite of skinny/thin
What part of the body is covered when you wear long socks?
Your ankles
If I want the classroom to be darker, I have to ____ ____ the _____.
Turn off the lights
How do you feel if you have a really important exam tomorrow that you're not prepared for?
How many letters are in the English alphabet?
What's the opposite of mean?
What do you use to lick an ice cream?
Your tongue
The clock is __ the ____ in this classroom.
On the wall
How do you feel when you are really excited to see a movie, but then when you see it, it isn't that good... ?
Fish have gills so that they can ______ underwater