Vocabulary 1
Vocabulary 2
Vocabulary 3
Major Ideas From Previous Lessons 1
Major Ideas From Previous Lessons 2

What is a "signal" (noun)?

a gesture, action, or sound that is used to convey information or instructions. Also, a connection to a network (as with cell phones).


What is a "donor" (noun)?

a person who provides blood, an organ, etc for transplantation. Also, someone who donates money to a cause or organization.


What is a "transition" (noun)?

the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another.


What is a "helping profession"? How did we define that? Or what are some examples of a "helping profession"?

A profession that nurtures the growth of or addresses the problems of a person's physical, psychological, intellectual, emotional or spiritual well-being.


What did we say the expression "in good hands" means?

in the safe, competent care of someone or an organization.


What are "kidneys" (noun)?

The organs we need in order to process and pass fluids that we drink.


What does it mean to "verify" (verb) something?

Prove the truth, accuracy, or reasoning of something.


What does it mean to "cite" something?

refer to (a passage, book, or author) as evidence for or justification of an argument or statement, especially in a scholarly work.


How did we define the difference between "resting" and "sleeping"? 

Rest = cease work or movement in order to relax, sleep, or recover strength. 

Sleep = be in a state of sleep; be asleep. 

(Sleeping is a form of resting).


What is the difference between the adverbs "usually" and "sometimes"? Are they the same? (Hint: no, they are not.)

These are different "adverbs of frequency", that modify a verb and tell us how often we do something). 

If you do something usually, it means you do it more often than just sometimes.

Some examples, in order of frequency:


Usually / Often





What does it mean for something to be vital (adj.)?

absolutely necessary; essential.


How did we define "misinformation" (noun)?

false or inaccurate information, especially that which is deliberately intended to deceive.


How did we define "directly" (adv.)

without changing direction or stopping, also to say or do something openly for everyone to see.


What did we talk about when we mentioned how mass communication is different today vs. 100 or 200 years ago? (As a reminder, if someone needed to get their message out to large groups of people, was it easier or harder for them to do that 200 years ago? Why?)

The speed of communication has changed dramatically. Anyone with a Twitter following can tweet something that their audience will be able to read in seconds. 


What is the Picasso painting "Guernica" a protest of?

In general, the brutality of war. Specifically, it was a protest of Franco his fascist forces during the Spanish Civil War.


What is a "source" (noun)?

a place, person, or thing from which something originates or can be obtained.


What does it mean for something to be innovative (adj.)?

introducing new ideas; original and creative in thinking.


What is a "stage"? (In the context of "a stage in your life")

a point, period, or step in a process or development.


What were the pros and cons we discussed of facial recognition technology (as it is used in China / by governments)? 

Pros :

1. Safety & Security

2. Speed of Transactions (for example, withdrawing money at a bank)

3. Allows police to identify missing people / wanted suspects


1. The feeling of always being watched

2. Potential for abuse of power by governments against "enemies of the state"


According to the lesson on sleep schedules, what does science say is the range for the "ideal nap duration"? In other words, how long should you nap for?

15-30 minutes.


How did we define "twitch" (verb)?

give or cause to give a short, sudden jerking or convulsive movement.  


What is "surveillance" (noun)?

close observation, especially of a suspected spy or criminal.


How did we define altruism (noun) / altruistic (adj.)

selfless concern for the well-being of others.


What did we talk about with the idea of a "circadian rhythm?" What is that? (Just a basic definition; This comes from the "What Happens When We Sleep" Lesson)?

A circadian rhythm is our "internal clock" that our body uses for different processes and functions. It is important in the context of a sleep schedule.


How did we define the concept of "just war"?

a war that is thought to be necessary due to the circumstances, and as a result, is morally or theologically justifiable.
