Leading to the Revolution
The Revolution
The Articles of Confederation
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This act in 1765 required colonists to pay a tax on paper goods, leading to widespread protests and the rallying cry, “No taxation without representation.”

What is the Stamp Act?


This battle on April 19, 1775, marked the beginning of the American Revolution, with the “shot heard ’round the world.”

What is Lexington and Concord?

This is the government body that had the power to tax and regulate commerce between the states.

What is none?


This is one the two predominant crops of the Carolinas in the early 17th century.

What are indigo and rice?


These are the names of three Timothee Chalamet movies / TV shows.

What is (ex. Wonka, Dune, Dune: Part Two, Call Me By Your Name, etc.)


This 1763 law issued by King George III forbade colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains.

What is the Proclamation of 1763?


This pamphlet, written by Thomas Paine in 1776, encouraged colonists to support independence and break from British rule.

What is Common Sense?


Under the Articles of Confederation, this body was the only branch of government.

What is the Legislature / Congress?


In 1676, this Virginia uprising of frontier settlers, led by a planter, protested colonial policies toward Indigenous people and economic inequalities.

What is Bacon's Rebellion?


"Cerulean" is a shade of this color.

What is blue?


This organization, founded in 1765, became a driving force behind protests against British policies, using tactics like boycotts and sometimes violence.

What is the Sons/Daughters of Liberty?


In 1780, this major betrayal involved a former American general conspiring to surrender West Point to the British.

Who is Benedict Arnold?


This 1787 law passed under the Articles of Confederation established a system for admitting new states from the western territories.

What is the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?

This religious revival movement swept through the colonies in the 1730s, challenging established churches and emphasizing personal faith.

What is the First Great Awakening?


These are all the planets in our Solar System in order.

What is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto?

These 1767 laws placed indirect taxes on glass, lead, paint, and tea imported to the colonies, sparking further colonial resistance.

What are the Townshend Acts?

In 1777, this American victory in New York convinced France to join the war on the side of the colonies, proving to be a turning point in the Revolution.

What is the Battle of Saratoga?


One weakness of the Articles of Confederation was that changes to the document required this many states to agree.

What is 13 (all of them)?


This system in Virginia granted land to colonists who paid for indentured servants or others to come to America, encouraging settlement and labor.

What is the headright system?


These are the last four Superbowl winners in order from most recent to least recent.

What are Chiefs, Chiefs, Rams, Bucs?


To unify opposition against British policies, delegates from nine colonies met in 1765 to issue a joint declaration of colonial rights and grievances in this assembly.

What is the Stamp Act Congress?


This winter encampment from 1777-1778 tested the endurance and resilience of the Continental Army.

What is Valley Forge?


This uprising of Massachusetts farmers, which protested high taxes and debt, exposed the weaknesses of the Articles.

What is Shay's Rebellion?


This New York publisher’s 1735 trial helped establish the principle of freedom of the press after he was acquitted of libel against the colonial governor.

Who is Zenger?


These are 6 Taylor Swift songs.

What are ????
