Civil War
War & Reconstruction
Dealer's Choice

What event will signal the start of the Civil War?

Either the election of Lincoln in 1860 & the following secession of states or the attack on Fort Sumter.


The Battle of Bull Run was an early victory for the Confederates.  What was the significance of this win?

Convinced the North that victory would be much more difficult than originally thought.


How could you easily describe Lincoln's Plan for Reconstruction?

He wanted the Union to be put back together quickly with 10% of the state taking an oath of allegiance.


What was the overarching goal of the Freedmen's Bureau?

Help former enslaved people adjust to their newfound freedom through education, political involvement and new found rights.


Who is most affected by the passage of the 15th Amendment?

Former male slaves are now allowed to vote.


What event allowed black soldiers to enlist in the Union Army?

Emancipation Proclamation


The capture of Atlanta by General Sherman in 1864 was important for what reason?

Atlanta was a key railroad focal point for the south that was now lost.


The Tenure of Office Act was passed by this group as a means to impeach President Andrew Johnson due to their dislike of his Reconstruction policies.

Radical Republicans; Thaddeus Stevens & Charles Sumner


Which amendment will end slavery and was necessary for states to ratify to rejoin the Union?

13th Amendment


What was the purpose of the 14th Amendment?

Guaranteed rights of people born in the United States as a citizen.


How did the Battle of Antietam change the course of the war and Lincoln's goals?

He needed a big victory to issue his "Emancipation Proclamation" to "free enslaved people in places of rebellion".  It also allowed African Americans to join the Union Army (54th Massachusetts)


Vicksburg, MS was a massive win for the Union Army.  Why is that (only need 1 reason)?

It cut the South in half, gave the North control of the Mississippi River and convinced foreign countries not to help the Confederacy.


This entity and institution is vital for all Reconstruction plans to help former slaves?

Freedmen's Bureau


The main purpose behind Lincoln visiting the battlefield after Gettysburg is to do what?

To dedicate a new cemetary to the fallen soldiers on both sides.


Frederick Douglass referred to the passage of this Act as a "rightous law for colored people of this country"

Civil Rights Act of 1866


How were women in the north affected by the Civil War?

Many took the place of men in factories and others became nurses.


What was the significance of the battle of Gettysburg?

It was the last time the Confederate forces were in the North and it was the turning point in the eastern theater.


What is ironic about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln?

His plan was actually "more lenient" and it brought about a more harsh Reconstruction led by the Radical Republicans.


What will impede the 14th Amendment from being fully implemented in the South?

Southern political tactics and Supreme Court Decisions (Plessy v. Ferguson)


After the passage of the 15th Amendment which group will become disenchanted by being left out by Congress?



What do these states have in common during the Civil War?

These "Border States" were in the Union but slavery existed because Lincoln worried that they, too, would secede.


This battle with huge casualties was massive for the Union because they defeated a Confederate stronghold to gain access to southern and western waterways.

Battle of Shiloh, TN


Name 2 advantages of the South

Had better leaders from the military colleges, used Cotton Diplomacy to trade for weapons, fighting for freedom, "country boy will survive"


Radical Republican Reconstruction ended in the South after what massive election and event?

Election of 1876 was a tie; to break the tie Republicans offered to remove Union soldiers in exchange for votes.  This is known as the Compromise of 1877.


Lincoln's delay in issuing the Emancipation Proclamation was because he was concerned about.....

He feared the Border States would secede and have the capitol surrounded.
