Revolution of 1800
* The peaceful transfer of power from John Adams (Federalist) to Thomas Jefferson (Democratic-Republican)
Confederate States of America
* 1861-1865
* Government consisting of 7 seceding states, 4 later during the Civil War
The Corrupt Bargain
* JQA Presidency; Jackson got the popular vote, but Henry Clay pulled strings in the Senate for the electoral votes
* Allegedly happened; not really proof
* 1824
Marbury v. Madison
* 1803
* Established judicial review
Battle of Bull Run
* 1861
* First major battle of the Civil War
* Made the North realize that the Civil War wouldn't end in a month
Neutrality Proclamation
* George Washington
* 1793
* Proclaiming peace between Britain and France amidst their war
* Enraged Jefferson supports who wanted to honor the alliance made with France
Thirteenth Amendment
* 1865
* Abolished slavery and indentured slavery in the United States
* States that seceded were required to ratify this before being readmitted to the Union
Tammany Hall
* Established 1784
* Political machine in NYC
* Supported by immigrants, and supported immigrants -- particularly Irish
* Associated with Boss Tweed; head of Democratic Party there UNTIL...
Judiciary Act of 1789
* Established the Supreme Court, federal districts, circuit court, and the office of attorney general
* Organized the federal legal system
The Second Battle of Bull Run
* 1862
* Robert E. Lee
* Important victory after boldly attempting to move North with his army
"Self Reliance"
* Ralph Waldo Emerson
* 1841
* Essay containing many American ideas of individualism
Compromise of 1877
* The compromise that ended reconstruction
* Allowed Rutherford B. Hayes (Republican) to be president in exchange for the withdrawal of federal troops from southern states
* The South as a result reverted to white-democrat electoral politics
Spoils System
* Often abused by rich people
* Cemented party loyalty
Midnight Judges
* 1801
* Bill signed by John Adams at exactly midnight packing the Supreme Court with Federalist judges
* Immediately overturned once Jefferson became president
Peninsula Campaign
* Failed attempt to overtake Richmond
* General George B. McClellan
* If he had succeeded, slavery would have remained legal in the south when they reassimilated
Poor Richard's Almanack
* Benjamin Franklin
* 1732-1758
* Pamphlet with proverbs, aphorisms, covering common sense, thrifting, morality, responsible living
* Employed in the post Civil War era
* Black and white farmers rented land from plantation owners in exchange for a "share" of the crops profits
* Became a system of perpetual debt
Tweed Ring
* Symbol of corruption during the Gilded Age
* Boss Tweed ran the NYC democratic party, and stole 200mil through bribery, graft, and vote-buying.
* 1873; outed by muckraker Thomas Nast through Harper's Weekly
Judiciary Act of 1801
* Created 16 federal judgeships
* Passed by a departing federal congress
* Attempted to ensure a federalist hold on the branch
Battle of Fredericksburg
* 1862
* Virginian victory; repelled Northern attacks
* Robert E. Lee