Why does John Rolf rish everything?
America's the Land of Opportunity.
How many people arrive two years after Rolf?
The trip from West AFrica to the West Indies/America is known as ___.
Middle Passage
What was the reason Virginia was founded?
Economic Opportunity.
Gov. Berkeley's opponent is _____
Nathaniel Bacon.
What does John Rolf find in Jamestown?
The Starving Time.
WHat is at the cneter of the Pilgrim's lives?
Rum (Carribean) Whiskey (America) Guns (England) SLaves (Africa) is also known as _____.
Triangular Trade.
Who was Virginias founder, and what was his rule?
John Smith, and No work, No eat.
Tideweater is located where?
Eastern Shore.
What is somethinf residents did not have to eat in the winter.
Oak Leaves.
When do the Pilgrims arrive?
What were the things called that europeans used for work. (NOT a slave.)
Indentured Servant.
Who was Marylands Founder?
Lord Baltimore.
Frontier is located where?
Western Frontier.
What was England "addicted" to?
More then __% of America can trace their ancestry back to the Mayflower.
Identify 1-3 ways that led to African becoming enslaved.
Kidnaped, Caught in War, or Sold off.
Who was the Carolinas Founder?
The Lord Propieters.
The rebellion begins as a conflict between who?
Virginia Settlers and Indians.
What smart thing does Rolf do?
Marry Pocohantas.
What saves the Pilgrims?
Willingness to ally with Indian Tribe.
Identify 2 reasons why English people chose to stay in England.
Population was going down, and Economy improved.
Who was Georgias Founder?
James Oglethorpe.
The Rebellion can be compared to the ____ 100 years later.
American Revolution.