John Marshall Rulings
James Monroe
The 2nd
Great Awakening
Utopian Societies
Reformers & Writers
Reformers &
Writer II

This decision stated that Congress does have implied powers. Hamilton and the Federalist party were right, the "necessary and proper clause" does give the federal government more power. 

What is McCulloch v Maryland, 1819?


The Lancaster Turnpike and this National Road help decreased cost by improving travel time.

What was the Cumberland Turnpike?


This series of infrastructure bills was put forward by Speaker of the House henry Clay, but it was backed by Monroe and greatly improved America's transportation.

What was the American System.


The rejection of orthodox religion Deism, The Age of Reason, Rationalism, Unitarianism, and  The Industrial Revolution and the Market Revolution  were all causes of this.

What was the 2nd Great Awakening?


The only time these men and women touched each other is when they danced . . . no wonder they no longer exist.

Who were the Shakers?


He was probably America's most famous poet at the time; famous poet known for being very direct. Leaves of Green  - very direct type of poetry, that did use symbolism, but  that many saw as immoral.  

Who was Walt Whitman?


His stories like The Scarlet Letter (1850) and Young Goodman Brown questioned American intolerance & conformity

Who was Nathaniel Hawthorne?


This decision gave the Supreme Court the power of judicial review.

What is Marbury v Madison, 1803?


Robert Fulton invented the first one of these making travel up river (against the current) much easier, therefore saving many lots of money.

What is a steamboat (Clermont)?


John Quincy Adams wrote this, but Monroe took credit for it, as America declared the Western Hemisphere off limits to Europe!

What was the Monroe Doctrine?


The Quakers were the first of these, but the 2nd Great Awakening really spurred them on, with William Lloyd Garrison leading the way.

Who were the abolitionists?


This group in Iowa consisted of mainly of people of German descent who belong to a religion known as Pietism (don’t just believe in Biblical virtues - live it!!) Like Shakers, but they allowed marriage.

Who were the Amana Colonies?


She spoke out against the horrible conditions at mental hospitals and south to reform them.

Who was Dorthea Dix?


America's most well known poet of horror -  irrational aspects of human behavior – The Raven; The Tell Tale Heart (1843)

Who was Edgar Allen Poe?


The Supreme Court can declare any law unconstitutional if they believe it violates the Constitution. 

What is judicial Review?


This canal made farmers in the midwest much more profitable because now they could send and sell their crops to merchants on the East Coast.

What was the Erie Canal?


American's began distrusting banks with this economic fail in 1819.  Andrew Jackson would use this fear of banks to win the presidency.

What was the Panic of 1819?


Temperance organizations sprang up in many towns and cities, trying to end this, which they finally achieved with the passage of the 18th Amendment.

What was the sale and consumption of alcohol?


These people believed that knowledge does not just come from ones senses and truth cannot be found just by observation or reading the Bible;  Everyone possesses an “inner light” which can lead you to a higher truth.

Who were the Transcendentalists?


Thomas Gallaudet created a school for these people?

Who were deaf students?


Horace Mann worked tirelessly to improve these institutions in America.

What were public schools?


Only Congress can control interstate trade (trade between the states) according to this ruling.

What is Gibbons v. Ogden, 1824?  


This man stole the plans of the thread spinning mills in England and brought them to America, reducing the price of cloth in America for everyone.

Who was Samuel Slater?


Monroe sent this man into Florida to stop the "Seminole Wars".  Instead he caused an international incident by removing a Spanish governor and executing two British soldiers he said were aiding the Native Americans.

Who was Andrew Jackson?


Many of the female abolitionists also took up another cause, which became very clear with the Seneca Falls Conference in 1848 and a reality in 1920 with the 19th Amendment.

What is women's suffrage or the right to vote?


Probably the best commune of the era - the only reason it failed was because of a massive fire.

What was Brook Farm?


Famous American author - American settings for Sleepy Hollow (1820) & Rip Van Winkle

Who was Washington Irving?


This man is known as the Schoolmaster of the Republic – creating America's first dictionary - standardized the American language.

Who was Noah Webster?


The Supreme Court can strike down state laws, not just federal laws.

What is Fletcher v Peck, 1810?


This invention caused many southerners to move further west and it also caused them to become even more reliant on the labor of enslaved Africans.

What was the cotton 'gin, invented by Eli Whitney?


To protect American manufacturing, Monroe started increasing these, which angered many southerners.

What were tariffs?


This new denomination began in New York. but were so persecuted they didn't find peace until they got to Salt Lake City, Utah.

Who were the Church of Latter Day Saints (the Mormons)?


Probably the most famous transcendentalist, he spent two years in the woods observing nature: Walden: Or the Life in the Woods – ecology & conservation. Also wrote, On the Duty of Civil Disobedience -  if you see something wrong speak up and speak out

Who was Henry David Thoreau?


This author glorified the frontiersmen of America's birth; Leatherstocking Tales & The Last of the Mohicans

Who was James Fennimore Cooper?


Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton and this woman all helped create the Seneca Falls Declaration calling for women to have suffrage.

Who was Susan B Anthony?
