Andrew Jackson and JQA
Sectionalism, Immigration and the Market Revolution
Manifest Destiny
Slavery and Society Antebellum
The Civil War

This "campaign" was used by Andrew Jackson as propaganda against JQA in the 1828 election as he believed Henry Clay becoming Speaker of the House was devised between him and JQA

The Corrupt Bargain


This Canal in the Northeast connected the Great Lakes to the Hudson River, making NYC a massive trading hub.

The Erie Canal


Briefly Describe Manifest Destiny

Answers may vary, but it is basically the belief that Americans were chosen by God to inhabit the Western part of North America.


Eli Whitney invented this invention which while it was created to better slave's lives in the South, resulted in Slavery increasing exponentially.

The Cotton Gin


This abolitionist helped kickstart Bleeding Kansas by killing 5 proslavery people and also started the Civil War in a sense by his failed raid in Harper's Ferry

John Brown


This Southerner believed in State's Rights and supported South Carolina's decision to nullify what? (Answer both the name of the southerner and what South Carolina tried to Nullify)

John C Calhoun, The "Tariff of Abominations"


While the West did oppose slavery, it was because they believed in what?

They believed Slavery was economically disadvantageous for those without slaves


Most people who opposed the war with Mexico were _______ because of what? (explain who and why)

Abolitionists because they believed the war was intended to increase slavery, which a part of it was)


Why are minstrel shows so significant for the time period?

While they were extremely racist, they show people had an interest in black culture.


Congressmen started carrying weapons to work because of what event that occurred on the senate floor?

The caning of Charles Sumner


Andrew Jackson passed this law as one of his first acts as president, adhering to the common man and ignored the Supreme Court's attempt to overthrow this law.

The Indian Removal Act


What invention made traveling along the Mississippi River and other rivers much more valuable, making port cities like NYC more economically powerful?



The Gold Rush in California prompted the Compromise of 1850, which made California a _______ State on the offset of the creation of the Fugitive Slave law



Describe why Nat Turner's Rebellion frightened the South.

It killed 60 white people and was a revolt caused by a preacher, causing the outlawing of teaching religion to slaves in the south.


The Confederacy were able to win most battles in the start of the war because of what?

Answers may vary, but more competent generals, most battles were found in the South where they were on the defensive, and an increase in volunteers compared to the Union are answers.


Briefly Explain the American System.

Answers may vary, but the American System is a Whig belief where America should invest in tariffs and transportation.


The Know Nothing Party were nativists. What does this mean?

Opposed Immigration, especially Irish and German immigration

Why did Texas rebel against Mexico?
Immigrants from the Southern US moved into Texas, and did not follow the laws Mexico asked them to obey and kept slaves when it was abolished in Mexico

What was the Missouri Compromise and why did the South hate it?

Made Missouri a Slave State but made it so no slave states could be established above the parallel that made Missouri's south border, which made slave states a lot harder to make.


One of the reasons the Union ultimately won the war because the shift of the purpose of the war from preserving the union to ending slavery prevented the United Kingdom from interfering. TRUE or FALSE? (If false, explain why and if true give an explanation)

True, because Britain did not want to support a side of a war that supported slavery when they abolished it in the early 1830s.


The Panic of 1837 came when Andrew Jackson vetoed the Bank Charter. This money went to ________ and how did this result in the depression?

Wildcat Banks, the transportation of money so quickly to places outside of one's state created an economic crisis.


Catholics were especially despised in the United States because ________

The USA did not want the Pope's "influence", Most of the population were protestants, and hated that Irish and Germans drank on Sundays.


Briefly Describe how the War in Mexico started.

Answers may vary, but Texas is annexed by the USA, and James K Polk puts troops in disputed territory and Mexico fires on them.


While the Transatlantic Slave Trade was outlawed in 1808, Slaves were increasing in the South in different regions because of ________

The Second Middle Passage, internal slave trade between Southern States.


Explain the significance of the battles of Antietam and Gettsyburg.

Both were confederate defeats (one was a draw) in Union territory, preventing the Confederates from going on the offensive for the rest of the war.
