Political Parties
Could be Anything

Veteran of the Am. Revolution who led a rebellion (1786) in Massachusetts and exposed the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation, leading to the calling of a Constitutional Convention (1787.)

Daniel Shays (Shays Rebellion)


A period of time (before the French and Indian War) when the British did not enforce a system of Mercantilism.  This is often cited as background to the period after when laws were enforced and the Colonists were angered by tightening restrictions.

Salutary Neglect


Nativist political 3rd Party founded during the first half of the 19th century.

Know Nothing Party


First national framework for government in the United States.  Established near the end of the American Revolution, but a WEAK system that was an alliance of sovereign states. 

Articles of Confederation


Uprising of former indentured servants and slaves in western Virginia (1676) against royal authority in Jamestown who they thought were not protecting them against Indian attacks.  Resulted in increased call for a race- based labor system.

Bacon's Rebellion


Enslaved man who led the most significant slave rebellion of the 19th century (1831) in South Hampton Co., Va.  Resulting in harsher slave laws and more sectional debates about slavery.

Nat Turner


A policy (1823) that said the Western Hemisphere was no longer open for colonization by Europe, supported young republics, and in turn America would stay out of the politics of Europe.  This held until U.S. entry in WWI (1917).

Monroe Doctrine


Party that opposed the Jacksonian Democrats during the first half of the 19th century.

Whig Party


Compromise for how slaves would be considered as a portion of the population when determining representation in the House of Representatives.

3/ 5 Compromise.


This event helped to set up an era of reform (Abolition, Temperance etc.) during the early 19th century.

2nd Great Awakening


Muckraker during the Progressive Era who exposed the unsanitary conditions in Chicago meatpacking facilities in his essay The Jungle (1905).

Upton Sinclair


19th century idea that it was America's God- given right to own, occupy and expand across North America.  It was the political ideology behind western expansion.

Manifest Destiny

Opposition party during the 1790s_  opposed the establishment of the National Bank, opposed the Jay Treaty, opposed the Quasi War.

Democratic Republican


During the Ratification debates (1787- 1788) this group insisted on the addition to the new federal Constitution of a Bill of Rights (10 Amend) to secure the rights of the people and reserved power of the states.

Anti Federalists


The Supreme Court supported this in the Schenck v. United States (1919) case.

Espionage and Sedition Act_  WWI

Freedom of speech is not unlimited.


Whig who supported the American System, federal support for linking regional economies during the Market Revolution.  Supported the 2nd Bank, Tariffs, and Transportation/ Infrastructure improvements.

Henry Clay


During the period of Imperialism, America supported this policy with regard to China (1899).

Open Door


Political party founded after passage of the Kansas Nebraska Act (1754).  Platform was to stop the expansion of slavery into "free" territory.

Republican Party

The Federalist Papers supported ratification of the U.S. Constitution by arguing that this would protect citizens from an overly powerful central government.  

Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances


ONE accomplishment of the Articles of Confederation.

Northwest Ordinance/ organized Northwest Territory_ Political union for United States during the Am. Revolution, diplomats etc.


Led an Indian uprising in the Great Lakes region against America encroachment following the French and Indian War.  This was in- part the cause of the British Proclamation of 1763 banning settlement west of the App. Mtns.



Supported a ban on slavery in any territory won from the Mexican American War (1846- 1848).  It was an example of the "free soil movement" during the early 19th century.  It failed to pass, escalating sectional tensions about slavery prior to the Civil War.

Wilmot Proviso (David Wilmot).


3rd Party founded from the the influence of the farmers alliances/ Grange Movement during the late 19th century to support the regulation of the Railroad and advocate for Free Silver.

Populist Party


Plan presented at the Constitutional Convention for a new and stronger framework for government that would replace the Articles of Confederation.  It was the framework for the new Constitution.

Virginia Plan


Supreme Court supported the idea of "separate but equal" as not a violation of the 14th Amend. in this case (1896) and a legacy of Jim Crow segregation.

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
