Who was president?
Systems, Deals, and Plans
Colonial Society
Progressivism Throughout Time

This president was known a strong Democratic-Republican and oversaw the Louisiana Purchase, he also enacted the Embargo act in response to British impressment of us ships.

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


This multi-part deal with the goal of ending the Great Depression, created many government programs, laws, and agencies that still exist today, such as Social Security and the FDIC. However, many parts of it were deemed unconstitutional like the NIRA and the AAA.

What is the New Deal?


This war was the American part of the Seven Years' War. The British colonists fought against the colonists from the other side of the English channel and both sides had Native allies. 

What is the French and Indian war?


This 1894 strike was formed in response to an even further lowering of worker's wages and poor conditions. Led by Eugene Debs, rail workers refused to work and walked off the job, leading to large financial and railway disruption. Pres. Cleveland's injuction and response sent federal troops, leading to violence.

What is the Pullman Strike?


This resolution was created as a response to an alleged confrontation in which Vietnamese forces attacked American forces. It gave Pres. Johnson unrestricted authority to deploy troops, starting America's direct involvement in the Vietnam War

What is the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?


This president fought for the "common man" and gave universal white male suffrage. He also was against the national bank, rejecting the rechartering of it and instead dumping money into pet banks. He also oversaw and supported the removal of the Cherokee from Georgia through the "Trail of Tears"

Who is Andrew Jackson


Rooted in federalist language, this three-part plan for the US hoped to create a national bank, a protective tariff, and make internal improvements (Infrastructure).

What is the American System?


This early slave rebellion saw a group of slaves in the colony of South Carolina escape their plantation, loot a store with guns arming them, and call for their liberty. This instilled fear in many slave owners and led to greater supervision and suppression of African slaves. 

What is the Stono Rebellion


Spearheaded by the talented orator William Jennings Bryan, this political party formed from the Granger movement and Farmers' Alliance pushed for removing the Gold Standard, an income tax, direct election of senators, and regulation of railroads. They overall wanted a more equal and fair system between farmers and big business.

What is the Populist Party


Often seen as the great scandal of the Reagan presidency, the National Security Council continued the sale of arms to Nicaraguan revolutionaries as well as the sale of arms to Iran in hopes that American hostages would be released from the country when both actions violated federal law and misled congress.

What is the Iran-Contra Affair?


This president started the Spanish-American war apparently due to an insult. Under his presidency, the land gained from the war as well as the Open Door policy in China heightened the new age of Imperialism.

Who is William McKinley


This was America's plan to help rebuild the European economy and infrastructure after the collapse caused by the war. It also helped to spread pro-American and pro-capitalism ideas into European minds.

What is the Marshall Plan?


This colonial movement was started by the spread of new thoughts and ideas through Dissenters. These ideas were originally created by people like John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. This greatly influenced the writings and ideals of the Founding Fathers, like Ben Franklin and George Washington, as well as writers like Thomas Paine.

What is the Enlightenment?


This act, passed in 1935, gave workers the right to organize labor unions, use collective bargaining, and strike.

What is the Wagner act?


In the 1970s, this organization made up of various Arab nations embargoed the sale of oil to any pro-Israel nation. This led to an international fuel shortage and an energy crisis under Jimmy Carter. Inflation only grew as a result.

What is OPEC? (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)


This president was known for his support for the "re-annexation" of Texas and Oregon. He was the president during the Mexican-American war where he saw large western land gains. 

Who is James Polk


This deal formed by progressivist ideas was much more triangular, focusing on Teddy's three C's: conservation of nature, consumer protection, and corporate control or regulation.

What is the Square Deal?


This company was responsible for the formation of the Puritan's colonial settlement in the New England area through a series of charters taken by the company's shareholders.

What is the Massachusetts Bay Company?


A fire at this New York factory in 1911 spurred a large push into the investigation and improvement of safety in many industrial jobs during the progressive era.

What is the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory?


in 1951, this couple was tried on accounts of conspiracy and providing atomic secrets from the Manhattan Project to the Soviets. Their sentence to execution added more controversy to the intense Red Scare with many fearing soviet espionage while others believed the sentencing was harsh and unfair.

Who are the Rosenbergs?


This president was quite the diplomat before taking office, having represented the US abroad for many years. His election was also often called the "corrupt bargain", not to be confused with the Compromise of 1877. He supported the expansion of roads, but many of his plans were ignored.

Who is John Quincy Adams?


This early colonial plan was actually a reform to a prior Spanish policy. Now the Native laborers were given fixed wages and only certain individuals could appoint (force) them to work. This ultimately helped encourage the growth of African Slavery

What is the Repartimiento system


This conflict in the New England colonies served as a last-ditch effort for the Wampanoag and other tribes in the area to refuse recognition of English authority in the late 1600s The bloody conflict and Native defeat hurt their identity, population, and ultimately set the stage for many conflicts between the settlers and natives for years to come.

What is King Philip's War?

(also Metacom's War or the First Indian War)


This student-founded group was responsible for the organization of many civil rights sit-ins and many other protests for civil rights.

What is the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee? (SNCC works)


The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 attempted to abolish these, which two older immigration acts were often referred to as, often used to exclude immigration from certain areas, like Asia. Now, Immigration allowance was more skill and family-based as opposed to nationality-based.

What are Quotas?
