Called slavery a "positive good"
John Calhoun
Jane Addams's famous settlment house in Chicago
Hull House
African-American Civil rights leader who gave a speech called What to the Slave is the Fourth of July
Frederick Douglass
Morse Code
Female spiritual Puritan leader who excommunicated from was from the Church of Boston for preaching to men in her home
Anne Hutchinson
On learning about this law Thomas Jefferson cautioned that it was like "holding the wolf by the ear"
The Missouri Compromise
Wrote Shame of the Cities about corruption in American municipal (city) governments
Lincoln Steffans
1882 law that banned Chinese immigration to the United States for 10 years
The Chinese Exclusion Act
Credited for the commercial success of steamboats in America based on 1807 steamboat trip and forth along the Hudson River
Robert Fulton
Lost Colony on founded on the outer banks of North Carolina circa 1585
1860 Candidate for President who represented the "Southern" Democrats
John C. Breckenridge
Belief of some Progressives that selective breeding would improve the human race
WEB Du Bois term for the most promising African American leaders of the early 20th Century
The Talented Tenth
Transcontinental Railroad
First democratically elected assembly in North America
The Virgina House of Burgesses
Eli Whitney's 1793 invention that separates cotton fibers from their seeds
Prohibition Amendment
18th Amendment
Abolitionist who published The Liberator
William Lloyd Garrison
Method for producing steel by removing impurities from iron patented in 1856
Bessemer Process
Puritan governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony who delivered a sermon that referred to his colony as a "City on a Hill"
John Winthrop
SC Congressman who caned Senator Sumner
Preston Brooks
Woodrow Wilson's 1912 platform that called for reducing the power of monopolies and regulating big businesses
Amendment that granted women's suffrage
19th Amendment
Popularly known as the first mass-produced automobile affordable to average Americans
Ford's Model T
Lord Calvert's proprietary colony known for tolerance of Catholicism