This and That
Washington Administration
British Acts
A New Nation
Adams Administration

A religious movement that took place in the American Colonies. Most well-known for creating an emphasis on spiritual devotion, individualism, and freedom that contributed to the ideals of the American Revolution.

What is the Great Awakening


A group of advisors to the president. Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton were among this group of advisors to President Washington.

What is the cabinet?


This Act Required colonists to provide food and housing for British troops.

What is the Quartering Act


This outlawed slavery in the new territory aquired by the American Revolution and stated that when 60,000 people lived in one territory, the people could ask Congress to become a state.

What is the Northwestern Ordinance


The French attempt to bribe the US to end the Quasi War.

What is the XYZ Affair


This law passed by British parliament restricted colonial westward expansion and fueled colonist longing for independence

What is the Proclamation of 1763?


Rebellion over the first tax imposed on a domestic product by the newly formed federal government. Violent Riots took place in Western Pennsylvania, and US military needed to be sent in to supress. Proved new government had a chain of command.

What is the Whiskey Rebellion


Intended to eliminate the illegal sugar trade between the Spanish and French West Indies and the British colonies. Taxed Molasses, coffee, indigo and wine. Items thought to be “luxuries”

What is the Sugar Act


Congress could not require people to pay federal taxes. This cause quite a commotion for George Washington and is seen as one major weakness of this document...

What are the Articles of Confederation


Tightened restrictions on foreign-born Americans and limited writing critical of the government. John Adams way to silence journalists and political enemies.

What are the Alien and Sedition Acts


Sentiment that revered women as homemakers, the cultivators of good republican values in young citizens.

What is Republican Motherhood


A group that supported a stronger national government and ratifying the Constitution  

Who are Federalists


Tax on all printed material.

What is the Stamp Act


Wanted a bicameral (two house) Congress and for States to gain representatives based on the population.

What is the Virginia Plan


Adams' loss in this election led to Thomas Jefferson ascending to the presidency and marked the first peaceful transition of power between political parties in U.S. History.

What is the Election of 1800?


Group of Colonists who formed in response to the Stamp Act. They achieved their goal through protest, both violent and non-violent. Founded by Samuel Adams and John Hancock.

Who are the Sons (and Daughters) of Liberty?


This was a precedent set by Washington that asserted that the United States should not involve themselves in foreign conflict

What is the Proclamation of Neutrality, or Neutrality?


These were a series of laws passed by British parliament in response to the Boston Tea Party.

What are the Intolerable Acts?


Wanted one house Congress (unicameral) and for all states have an equal vote for representation.

What is the New Jersey Plan


Proposed economic plan that the Federal government assume all state debt after the American Revolition. The gov. would then issue bonds to repay the debt. It would establish a Bank of U.S., and tax whiskey.

What is Hamiltons Economic Plan


This pamphlet was influential in convincing many Americans that the colonies should declare their independence from Britain.

What is Common Sense


This ended the American Revolution/War for Independence. USA is now an independent nation. Britain vacated all lands East of Mississippi.

What is the Treaty of Paris 1783?


Taxed lead, paint, glass, and tea. The “writ of assistance” portion of these Acts allowed British troops to search property without warrants.

What are the Townshend Acts


Occurred in Western Massachusetts as a result of foreclosures on the lands of farmers. Proved that the Articles of Confederation needed revision.

What is Shays' Rebellion?


Proposed by Anti-Federalists (Democrat-Republicans) in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts: States could nullify (cancel) any Federal law it doesn’t like within its borders.

What are the KY and VA Resolutions
