Random Trivia

Following the French and Indian War, Britain greatly increased taxes on American colonists. Name one of these taxes.

Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Townshend Acts (Tea Act)


This future president is widely considered to be the author of the Declaration of Independence.

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


This man was chosen as the chairperson of the Constitutional Convention - just one of the many honors in his famous career.

Who was George Washington?


Slavery expanded greatly after this invention by Eli Whitney.

What is the Cotton Gin?


In this famous museum you will find Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa"

What is the Louvre?


Thomas Paine's famous pamphlet went by this title. He called it this because he thought is was obvious that the colonies should not be ruled by a foreign monarch.

What is Common Sense?


In class, we talked about the many weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. Name one specific weakness of the Articles of Confederation.

No national currency, no federal taxes, unanimous voting required, no president/leader, unable to pay off national debt.


When discussing how population would be counted, this is the name of the compromise which determined how slaves would be counted. 

What was the Three-Fifths Compromise


This is name of the famous event where farmers attempted to not pay their taxes. They were confronted by more that 15,000 US soldiers.

What is the Whiskey Rebellion?


Earth is one astronomical unit away from the sun. This is roughly 150 million kilometers. This is the distance in miles.

What is 93 million?


The end of the French and Indian War also led to the end of this. This means that the British were no longer going to ignore smuggling done by the colonists.

What is Salutary Neglect?


The Revolution inspired a movement known as this, which means that women were expected to be educated and worldly so that they could teach their children the ways of living in a democracy.

What is Republican Motherhood?


Supporters of the new constitution were called this because they wanted a stronger federal government. 

What are Federalists?


This was the name of the set of laws passed by Federalists under John Adams. They included a law that gave the president the power to deport and prevented newspapers from criticizing the government.

What is the Alien and Sedition Acts?


M&M's Fruit Chews are now known by this name. 

What are Starbursts?


This man was of mixed Native and African heritage and was the first person killed at the Boston Massacre.

Who was Crispus Attucks?


While there were more weaknesses, there were a few strengths to the Articles of Confederation. Name one strength of the Articles.

Government through the Revolution, Named the country, Northwest Ordinance of 1787, Land Ordinance of 1785


The Anti-Federalists were only willing to accept the new Constitution if the Federalists would agree to include one of these. 

What is a Bill of Rights?


This event solidified that France was no longer an ally of the US. Three French agents demanded a bribe in order for American diplomats to speak with the French Foreign Minister.

What is the XYZ Affair?


In the UK and Canada, this is the name of the holiday which takes place every December 26th where wealthier families donate toys to poorer families.

What is Boxing Day?


The Proclamation of 1763 was just a reaction to this Native American Rebellion which was carried out in the modern day states of Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan.

What is Pontiac's Rebellion?


During the Revolutionary War, this American General flipped sides after the Battle of Saratoga, and began fighting for the British.

Who was Benedict Arnold?


This was the only state which did not send a representative to the Constitutional Convention. They were also the last state to ratify the Constitution.

What is Rhode Island?


A coalition of Native Americans under Chief Little Turtle were defeated at this battle. Afterwards, they were forced to vacate the area. 

What is the Battle of Fallen Timbers?

In 1992, then-President George H.W. Bush vomited onto the lap of the Prime Minister of this country.

What is Japan?
