French & Indian War
Causes of American Revolution
American Revolution

The chief of the Ottawa during the French and Indian War.

Chief Pontiac


The first direct tax implemented on the colonies by Great Britain (Passed in 1765)

What is the Stamp Act


The commander of the continental army of the colonists during the American Revolution

Who was George Washington


A very famous book written by Thomas Paine that advocated for American independence from the British

What is Common Sense


A very influential person who helped Thomas Jefferson to win the election of 1800 by telling people to vote for him

Who was Alexander Hamilton


Native American rebellion that
led to the very strict creation of the
Proclamation of 1763

What is Pontiac's Rebellion


Occurred on December 16, 1763 were hundreds of chests of tea were destroyed by throwing them overboard in the Boston Harbor

What is the Boston Tea Party


A battle won by the colonists with the help of the French military and navy were they defeated Lord Charles Cornwallis which then led directly to peace negations and ultimately independence

What was the Battle of Yorktown

This very important document was influenced heavily by John Locke's political theory 

What was the Declaration of Independence


This treaty occurred during Washington's Presidency were the British promised to abandon their forts in the Northwest, which averted a possible war with the United States

What is Jays Treaty


The French and Indian War was caused by forts being located in this resource rich area

What is the Ohio River Valley


A phrase that people would say to deny the taxes they were required to pay to government authority.

What is "No Taxation Without Representation"


This was a key turning point of the Revolution because it foiled the British attempt to isolate New England and it brought French assistance
to the Revolutionary cause allowing for the colonists to capitalize.

What was the Battle of Saratoga


The split of the government into three branches in belief it would be the most beneficial

What was the Separation of Powers


These Anti- Democratic Republican acts were passed during John Adams presidency and was passed to deport or censor anyone deemed to be dangerous to

What is the Alien & Sediction Acts.

An attempt to create inter colonial unity presented by Ben Franklin, but was rejected by the colonies as well as England

What is the Albany Plan


This act was passed following the Stamp Act and it stated that British Parliaments taxing authority would be the same in America as it was in Britain

What is the Declaratory Act


During the war America had an alliance with France, who was the general who was brought in from France to train American troops.

Marquis de LaFayette


An ideal that emerged from the American Revolution held that women had a special responsibility to cultivate the civic virtues of republicanism in their children

What is Republican Motherhood


Why did George Washington not classify as a true political party

Washington believed in unity within the colonies and believed that political parties would cause a split and destroy the United States


This was a policy that was a major cause of the French and Indian War, but later ended due to the end of the War.

What is Salutary Neglect


This event is claimed to be the beginning of the American Revolution where British Soldiers fired into a crowd of people in Boston killing five and injuring another six.

What is the Boston Massacre


One of the greatest strengths of the British in the revolution was population. Approximately how much larger was the British population than the colonies during this time? (___ times larger)

Three times larger (2.5 million -> 7.5 million)


John Locke believed in this heavily and advocated the idea which stated that government powers are derived from the consent of the governed and in which the government serves the people.

What was a "Social Contract"


George Washington created this tradition between presidents were presidents were limited to running a max of two terms (8 years)

What is the Two-Term Precedent Tradition
