American Independence
Social Change
Economic Change
Major Events

British efforts to tighten governmental control over North American colonies resulted this major event:  

Revolutionary War


After the Revolutionary war, this was extended to all White men with some amount of land or money.

Voting Rights

This compromise drew a line from east to west, dividing the US into free and slave territories.  

Missouri compromise


This person, a member of the Federalist party, had a financial plan to pay off war debts, create a national bank, and establish tariffs.

Alexander Hamilton


This invention was created in 1793 and revolutionized the cotton industry, making it suddenly extremely profitable.

The Cotton Gin


The Boston Tea Party was a result of the:

  1. The heavy taxes implemented by Parliament (Tea Act)


_______ ideas sparked political thinkers to emphasize individual power rather than power given by royalty/bloodline.



Adopted in 1777, _____ unified the independence states which established a central government but with limited power.  

 Articles of Confederation


The ________ resulted in a change to more large-scale cash farming, advancements in manufacturing, and growth in cities.  

Market Revolution 


From 1754 to 1763, the British and French would fight over goods used in trade which was called:    

French and Indian War


This form of protest became popular in the mid 1700s and put pressure on Parliament to repeal acts that were strictly for the benefit of the mother country. The Boston Tea Party is a key example of ____    



During the revolutionary period, women were taught to have the role educating their children about their roles as citizens creating a new political role due to:    

 Republican Motherhood  


This event in 1803 resulted in the addition of land west of the Mississippi River, almost double the US in size.

 Louisiana Purchase 


____ was when the Second Bank of America tried to control inflation through tightening of credits and that caused banks to close, unemployment, and economic depression in the West.    

Panic of 1819


President George Washington responded to the French Revolution in 1793 by passing this.    

Proclamation of Neutrality (1793)


The ____ was made up of British people with power restricting the voice of the American colonists.    



The growing of ideals of individualism and the rise in consumerism greed from the Market Revolution cause the _____

Second Great Awakening


______ was created for the purpose of admitting new states. It would ban slavery in the Northwest Territory.  

Northwest Ordinance 


With the development of the Cotton Gin leading to more efficient production of Cotton, this phrase began to be adopted and it reflects the domination of the cotton industry.

King Cotton/”Cotton is King”


Troubles with Britain in the west and violation of United States neutral rights led to this war.

War of 1812


In an agreement with Britain, the Revolutionary War would end and Britain would recognize the United States as an independent state with new boundaries extending to the Mississippi river in the ____

Treaty of Paris


In 1786, a successful rebellion against high state taxes, imprisonment for debt, and a lack of paper money temporarily stopped the collection of taxes and shut down debtors’ courts. This was its name.

Shays’s Rebellion


The debate between the New Jersey plan and the Virginia plan (should state size have a role in political representation) was resolved with the Connecticut Plan; this was also known as The Great Compromise. A ____ was the resolution.    

Bicameral System (Senate and House of Representatives)


The North wanted the government to regulate ____, but the South was afraid of the export taxes on goods such as tobacco and rice.

Interstate Commerce and Foreign Trade


This supreme court case ruled that Maryland could not tax the National Bank because federal laws are more powerful than state laws. “The power to tax is the power to destroy” was a famous line from this case.        

McCulloch vs. Maryland
