The Confederation and the Constitution
The Jeffersonian Republic
Rise of a Democracy
Forging the National Economy
Industry & Transportation

Who were the Anti-federalists?

What is people who opposed the ratification of the constitution?


Who opposed the Embargo?

What is: The Northeast/Federalist as they could not export goods for a profit


What is the Trail of Tears?

What is: the forced migration of Native Americans off their Ancestral lands per the Indian Removal Act (deadly)


What were Lowell Mills?

What is: Textile mills operating in Lowell, Massachusetts. Named after Francis Cabot Lowell and the mills were mostly operated by women (known as Lowell girls)


What did Lake Erie Connect?

What is: the Hudson River and Lake Erie?


What were social changes made by the American Revolution?

What is: Expanded educational opportunities, civic virtue (maintaining democracy), republican motherhood (named women keepers of America's conscience)?


What was the importance of Marbury v. Madison?

What is: Established Judicial Review by Chief Justice Marshall


What was the strangeness of John Quincy Adams' 1824 election win?

What is: Andrew Jackson won popular and electoral vote, but Adams' convinced house speaker (Henry Clay) to get the House to vote him in instead.


Is it logical that an Irish-American became president?

What is: Yes, the Irish were gaining massive political ground in the eastern United States


How time efficient was the steamboat?

What is: What took 4 months now took 6 days

How democratic was the constitution?

What is: Only white men could vote, but supported checks and balances/separation of powers to prevent corruption in each branch of government?


What were examples of nationalism in Post War Years?

What is: the American System (Henry Clay), boost in manufacturing and industry, tariffs to protect manufacturing (1816), and the Erie Canal (promoted easier travel)


What was the unfair treatment of Cherokee Tribe?

What is: They were considered as "civilized", but still sent onto the trail of tears.


What is Molly Maguires?

What is: A miners union meant to protect their workers from abusive mine owners.


What were the 4 main Industry inventions

What is: the telegraph, interchangeable parts, steel plow, and the mechanical reaper


How was America under the Articles of Confederation?

What is: Very weak, tons of debt, had no power, irritable Americans, or insurrection (Shay's Rebellion)?


"Neither the North or the South was acutely displeased, although neither was completely happy"

What is: the 30'60' parallel, everything north (including Maine) is free, everything south (including Missouri) is a slave state


What was the Nullification Crisis?

What is: South Carolina declared federal laws null and void after disagreeing with Tariffs of 1832 and 1828


What is Cult of Domesticity?

What is: A system of beliefs defining the role of women in society. Mostly Homemaking.


What was the national road?

What is: A road made of crushed stone by the federal government spanning from Maryland to the Ohio River.

What were the important Convention Compromises?

What is: Great Compromise (bicameral congress), Virginia Plan (proportional representation, New Jersey Plan (one vote per state), and 3/5s compromise (slaves count for 3/5 of a person for state representation)


"Let the end be legitimate.., are constitutional"

What is: All of John Marshall's rulings are constitutional. Gibbons v Ogden and McCulloch v Maryland support the power of the federal government.

What is the Force Bill?

What is: Presidential power to use armed forces to collect tariff money.


What is Tammany Hall?

What is: A New York political organization supporting Immigrant rights. 


What were the 4 benefits of trains?

What is: Pull heavier loads, higher speeds, built more easily, could easily scale hills
