Territorial Expansion
Failed Compromises
Civil War
The belief that the United States had a God-given right to expand as a chosen group of people.
What is Manifest Destiny?
This helped settlers migrate into western territories. It was built by Chinese immigrants and paid for by government subsidies.
What is the Transcontinental Railroad?
This legislation provided the first compromise on slavery in the United States by prohibiting the expansion of slavery north of the Ohio River.
What is the Northwest Ordinance?
This man provided superior military leadership for the Confederacy during the early part of the war. He surrendered at Appomattox Court House on April 14, 1865.
Who is Robert E. Lee?
This outlawed slavery in the United States before the end of the Civil War.
What is 13th Amendment?
The largest debate over territorial expansion.
What is Slavery
This mid-19th century political party targeted new immigrants and demanded economic and political restrictions against them.
Who are the Nativists or Know Nothing Party?
This compromise ended the dispute over the land gained by the United States in the Mexican Cession. It included a Fugitive Slave Act, admitted California as a free state, and eliminate the slave trade in the District of Columbia.
What is the Compromise of 1850?
This general helped lead the Union to victory and earned the nickname "The Butcher" for his relentless battle strategies.
Who is Ulysses S. Grant?
This system replaced slavery in the South after the passage of the 13th Amendment. Because of limited economic opportunities, freed slaves continued to work on plantations.
What is sharecropping?
In this example of a military initiative to expand the United States territorially, Zachary Taylor was an American general who fought against Santa Ana.
What is the Mexican-American War?
These immigrants came to the West Coast of the US and were used to work on the transcontinental railroad.
Who are Chinese immigrants?
This violence resulted from the decision in the 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act to allow popular sovereignty to decide the slave/free status of territories.
What is Bleeding Kansas?
This order by President Lincoln freed all the slaves in states of rebellion.
What is the Emancipation Proclamation?
This organization aided freed slaves from 1865 until the early 1870s. It was the first federal agency in history to provide direct payments to help those in poverty.
What is the Freedmen's Bureau?
One goal of US territorial expansion was to increase world trade and gain access to this body of water.
What is the Pacific Ocean?
Through this legislation, the federal government provided free land to settlers in the west.
What is the Homestead Act?
This Supreme Court Case ruled that slaves were not citizens and had no right to sue in court, and stated the government could not outlaw slavery in a new territory if the people wanted it.
What is the Dred Scott decision? (Scott v. Sanford)
This was a key victory for the Union army which gave them control of the Mississippi River and effectively split the Confederate Army into two.
What is the Battle of Vicksburg?
This ended Reconstruction in the South after the Election of 1876 when Rutherford B. Hayes became president.
What is the Compromise of 1877?
This territory was gained as the result of a diplomatic initiative with Great Britain, rather than war ("54'40 or Fight!") and gave the United States gained access to the Pacific Ocean.
What is Oregon?
Led by Joseph Smith and then Brigham Young, this group of people moved out West to avoid persecution and find religious freedom.
Who are the Mormons?
During this 1858 event, as part of his campaign for Senate, Abraham Lincoln expressed his views on slavery. During the same campaign, he made his "House Divided" speech: "A house divided against itself cannot stand."
What are the Lincoln-Douglas debates?
In an example of total war, this Union general rampaged in his famous March to the Sea from Atlanta to Savannah, Georgia, destroying everything in his path, including railroads, resources, plantations and homes.
Who is General William T. Sherman?
Though the 15th Amendment guaranteed black men the right to vote, in this 1875 case the Supreme Court ruled that suffrage rights are not inherent in citizenship. Therefore, state legislatures could deny women the right to vote if they wished.
What is Minor vs. Happersett?