Head of industries and trusts
What are robber barons?
What was the Transcontinental Railroad?
A Protestant Christian movement that argues to apply Christian ethics to social issues like poverty, economic inequality, and poor working conditions.
What is The Social Gospel?
Laws enforcing segregation.
What are Jim Crow Laws?
The movement of workers banding together to demand better workplace rights. (Examples, AF of F, Knights of Labor, etc.)
What are Unions?
The theory states that businesses should be left to themselves, resulting in optimal production and prices.
What is Laissez-faire?
Men moved to California with the dream of finding gold and becoming rich
What was the Gold Rush?
Double Jeopardy
A philosophy which believed that the wealthy received their riches by the grace of God, and had the moral responsibility to use that wealth to better society.
Uphold the constitutionality of “separate, but equal facilities” based on race.
What is Plessy v. Ferguson?
Was revolutionary for the steel industry, and the way it was processed.
What is the Bessemer process?
Absorbed and/or destroyed competitors in Cleveland and elsewhere, and became a monopoly in oil.
Who is Rockefeller?
1862 Law that gave 160 acres of land to citizens willing to live on and cultivate it for 5 years for $10
What was the Homestead Act?
The law passed that barred Chinese immigrants from entering the United States
What is the Chinese Exclusion Act?
What had slavery developed into in the South after the Civil War?
What is the adoption of sharecropping and tenant farming.
What is this type of integration called where you control all aspects of the supply chain?
What is Vertical Integration?
An undisputed master of the steel industry, and 1878 won the contract to build the Brooklyn Bridge.
Who is Carnegie?
This was a support system to promote farmers' social and economic needs.
What was the Grange Movement?
The Knights of Labor, America's first major national union, which advocated for large scale reform of the American economy, fell largely into decline due to an anarchist bombing at THIS place
What is the Haymarket Square Riot?
Civil Rights organization in the US, formed in 1909, with meaningful names such as W.E.B. Du Bois.
What is the NAACP?
The inventor of the lightbulb.
Who is Thomas Edison?
He was a successful businessman who used his fortune from the steamboat industry to merge local railroads into the New York Central Railroad.
Who is Vanderbilt?
Double Jeopardy
This battle, which occurred on December 29, 1890, in South Dakota, was the last major conflict between the U.S. Army and Native American tribes and resulted in the deaths of over 150 Lakota Sioux, mostly women and children.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony created this group, finally bridging the divide in the women's suffrage movement.
What is the National Women's Suffrage Association?
Self-educated former slaves advocated for the education of African Americans.
Who is Booker T. Washington?
The inventor of the telegraph.
Who is Alexander Graham Bell?