The theory states that businesses should be left to themselves, resulting in optimal production and prices.
What is Laissez-faire?
The God-Given right to move west and settle all the land from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific.
What was Manifest Destiny?
Immigrants groups coming to US in Gilded Age
Who are Eastern Europeans and Asians?
Laws enforcing segregation.
What are Jim Crow Laws?
The first industry to be fully mechanized.
What are textiles?
Head of industries and trusts
What are robber barons?
Men moved to California with the dream of finding gold and becoming rich
What was the Gold Rush?
Major labor strikes during Gilded Age
What are Pullman Strike, Homestead Strike and Haymarket Riot?
Uphold the constitutionality of “separate, but equal facilities” based on race.
What is Plessy v. Ferguson?
Was revolutionary for the steel industry, and the way it was processed.
What is the Bessemer process?
Absorbed and/or destroyed competitors in Cleveland and elsewhere, and became a monopoly in oil.
Who is Rockefeller?
1862 Law that gave 160 acres of land to citizens willing to live on and cultivate it for 5 years for $10
What was the Homestead Act?
Anti-immigrant sentiment
What is nativism?
Most common post-Civil War job for African-Americans in the South.
What is sharecropping?
The United States thanks to the industrial revolution became this.
What is an industrial nation?
An undisputed master of the steel industry, and 1878 won the contract to build the Brooklyn Bridge.
Who is Carnegie?
What is the Indian Appropriations Act?
Justification for success of those at the top of the socioeconomic structure
What is social Darwinism?
Civil Rights organization in the US, formed in 1909, with meaningful names such as W.E.B. Du Bois.
What is the NAACP?
The inventor of the lightbulb.
Who is Thomas Edison?
He was a successful businessman who used his fortune from the steamboat industry to merge local railroads into the New York Central Railroad.
Who is Vanderbilt?
This was a support system to promote farmers' social and economic needs.
What was the Grange Movement?
Major goal of the Social Gospel movement
Draw the attention of Protestant churches to the plight of urban poor
Self-educated former slaves advocated for the education of African Americans.
Who is Booker T. Washington?
Government policy toward business in the Gilded Age
What is laissez-faire?