What happened in the market during this period?
Surging crops in the market, price of crops decrease, steeply decline
What impact did the Sioux Wars of 1886 have on the federal government?
It caused the federal government to restrict them to smaller and smaller reservations.
Wounded Knee 1890
What is the Bessemer Process?
A process for making steel of much stronger quality
What is Vertical integration?
When a company acquires all the complementary industries that support its business.
What policy required railroad rates to be reasonable and just?
Commerce Act 1886
This policy ended federal recognition of the sovereignty of Native nations.
What did Henry Grady do?
He envisioned a future for the south based on economic diversity, industrial growth and laissez-faire capitalism
What were major sources of energy for industrialization in factories and locomotives?
Coal and Oil
What is no government intervention or regulation?
Laissez Faire
What is the event that focused at bringing isolated farmers together for socialization and education? What legislation did the event lead to?
National Grange Movement, Granger Laws
This policy allowed natives to become citizens under the condition that they settled on that land.
Dawes Act of 1887
Jim Crow Laws
The term was coined by Mark Twain, who used it to describe the era's underlying corruption beneath its apparent prosperity.
The Gilded Age
A notorious robber baron/captain of industry who controlled much of the American oil industry
John D. Rockefeller
Which policy gave potential migrants free land out rest on the condition they would farm it and settle in it?
Homestead Act of 1862
In this event, natives participated in this ritualistic dance so that the ghosts of their ancestors would return and finally drive the white men from their lands.
Ghost Dance Movement
What did Henry Grady want to happen to the South and New England?
South surpassed New England as top manufacturers of textiles.
What is Horizontal Integration?
One company eventually buys out all its competitors until there is effectively no competition left.
What is it the idea of strong companies should eat weak companies, as is the way of nature?
Social Darwinism
What did the people in Boomtowns want to do?
They wanted to strike it rich.
What put an end to distinct Indian cultures through education vocational training and Christianized them?
Dawes Act of 1887
What was the result of the Plessy vs Ferguson 1896?
Supreme court rule segregation was constitutional, as long as conditions were equal
Who forced competitors to sell their companies, eliminating the competition?
John D. Rockefeller
Who dominated the steel industry?
Andrew Carnegie