Settlement of the West
The New South
Big Business
Labor Problems

The last group of Native Americans that had to be forcibly removed from US territory.

Who are the Plains Indians?


After the Civil War this was made legal under the Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896 that stipulated separate but equal facilities were legal.

What is segregation?


This industrial capitalist made his money in the railroad and shipping industry and was nicknamed the Commodore.

Who is Cornelius Vanderbilt?


The king of the Oil Industry during the Industrial Revolution.

Who is John Rockefeller?


The first major labor union in the United States.

Who were the Knights of Labor?


This law was passed in 1887 and broke up tribal lands into individual plots. The goal was to assimilate Native Americans into US society by ending tribalism and encouraging farming and ranching

What was the Dawes Act?


An example of violence used by the South to limit African-Americans access to the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments and their ability to succeed economically.

What is lynching?


This caused farmers to go in debt and led to overproduction and falling prices.

What is New Technology or mechanization of agriculture?


An example of the justification of wealth created by a small group of people despite the majority of people living in poverty.

What is Social Darwinism or the Gospel of Wealth?


President of the American Federation of Labor Union and promoted the idea of collective bargaining.

Who is Samuel Gompers?


The most famous Indian victory took place in June 1876 here, when General George A. Custer and his entire command of 250 men perished. The Lakota, Arapaho, and Cheyenne warriors, led by Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, were defending tribal land in the Black Hills of the Dakota Territory.

What is the Battle of Little Bighorn?


Laws created in the South to enforce Segregation after Reconstruction ended.

What were Jim Crow Laws?


The development of this part of American society was enabled by the rise of industrial capitalism and the need for managers. Their disposable income led to the rise in consumer culture and leisure activities.

What is the middle class?


Industrial capitalists earned this name for their unscrupulous and immoral business practices. 

What is a robber baron?


An example of a conflict between labor and management that took place at Andrew Carnegie's Steel Plant.

What is the Homestead Strike?


On December 29, 1890, soldiers opened fire on Ghost Dancers encamped in South Dakota, killing between 150 and 200 Indians, mostly women and children.

What is the Battle of Wounded Knee or the Wounded Knee Massacre?


The system of labor that dominated the South despite efforts to industrialize like the North.

What is sharecropping?


This investigative journalist help to expose the pervasive violence, especially lynching, in the South against African Americans during the second half of the 19th century.

Who was Ida B. Wells?


An example of political corruption at the state and local level by exchanging favors for votes.

What are Political Machines?


An example of a conflict between labor and management that erupted after an 8 day strike and a bomb being thrown into the crowd.

What is the Haymarket Riot?


Frederick Jackson Turner developed this idea and published it in 1893 about the centrality of the frontier to American identity and democracy and argued that it served as a safety valve for the American people to seek new opportunities out west. 

What is the frontier thesis?


This newspaper editor argued that the "New South" had nothing to apologize for concerning the Civil War.

Who is Henry Grady?


The first HBCU that was founded in the US outside of Philadelphia.

What is Cheyney University?


An industrialist who got his start in railroads and then began a career of buying and selling other companies.

Who is JP Morgan?


This law was intended to prevent business mergers that stifled competition and was passed in 1890. It was used by judges primarily to issue injunctions prohibiting strikes on the grounds that they illegally interfered with the freedom of trade

What was the Sherman Antitrust Act?
