Progressive Era
World War I
The 1920s
The 1930s
World War II

Upton Sinclair was the muckraker who wrote this book which exposed the meatpacking industry and the troubles associated with it.  

What is The Jungle?


The movement of approximately 6 million African Americans from the rural South to the urban Northeast, Midwest and West in the late 19th to mid 20th Centuries.  

What is The Great Migration?


The trial of a high school teacher in Tennessee for teaching the theory of evolution in violation of state law.  

What is the Scopes "Monkey" Trial?


A group of almost 20,000 WWI veterans that marched to Washington DC demanding their "bonus" payment early due to the hardship of the Great Depression.  

What is the Bonus Army?


Japan bombed this US naval and air force base.  The US responded by declaring war on Japan and officially entering WWI on the side of the Allies.

What is Pearl Harbor?


Civil Rights leader known for encouraging the African American community to "cast down their buckets" in his "Atlanta Compromise" Speech.

Who is Booker T Washington?


The British passenger ship destroyed by a German u-boat submarine.  This event contributed to Americans wanting to get involved in WWI.  

What is The Lusitania?


Italian immigrants charged with murder and robbery.  Convicted on circumstantial evidence, many believed they had been framed for the crime because of their anarchist and pro-union activities.  

Who are Sacco and Vanzetti?


The informal radio talks President FDR had with Americans during the Great Depression

What are the Fireside Chats?


Symbol of the American female factory worker who went to work during WWII.  

What is Rosie the Riveter?


This Progressive Era reformer opened the Hull House in Chicago to provide social services to immigrants.  

Who is Jane Addams?


The discovery of this disclosed Germany's promise to help Mexico attack the US if the US declared war on Germany.

What is the Zimmerman Telegram?


This was triggered by the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.  Americans were very paranoid and scared that Communism would overtake America.  

What is the Red Scare?


Hoover created this in an attempt to protect US factories from foreign competition.  This backfired though, because European nations stopped buying US goods.  

What is the Hawley-Smoot Tariff?


Top secret WWII government program in which the US rushed to develop the world's first atomic weapons. 

What is the Manhattan Project?


This US president helped to create the Panama Canal, was known as being a trust buster and a conservationist.  

Who is Teddy Roosevelt?


The french name given to the alliance between Great Britain, France and Italy.  We entered the war with the intention of helping them.  

What is the Triple Entente?

A period of US History marked by a burst of creativity within the African American community in art, music and literature. 
What is the Harlem Renaissance?

One of Roosevelt's most successful New Deal program that employed about 3 million men to work on projects that benefitted the public. 

What is the Civilian Conservation Corps? (CCC)


Supreme Court decision that said Japanese internment during WWII was in fact constitutional because it was during a time of war.  

What is Korematsu v. US? (Korematsu)


This person was jailed during the Pullman Strike, and founded the Socialist Party. 

Who is Eugene V. Debs?


This Supreme Court decision declared that the federal government could limit the 1st Amendment right of "freedom of speech" in time of war and if there was a "clear and present danger."

What is Schenck v. US?  (Schenck)


This act limited the number of immigrants allowed into the US by the foreign-born population data from the 1910 census.

What is the Emergency Quota Act? (Quota Act)


This New Deal program changed the role of the federal government to where the government is now expected to help those in need.  

What is the Social Security Act?


Provided WWII veterans with low interest mortgages, college tuition, and vocational training.  

What is the GI Bill?
