The Progressive Era
World War I
The 1920s
Great Depression & New Deal
World War II

The Woman reformer who established a famous settlement house (Hull House) to help immigrants and poor people in America.

Who is Jane Addams


The President of the US who wanted to join WWI to defend democracy and humanitarianism.

Who is Woodrow Wilson


The fear of Communism and anarchy after WWI was called this

The First Red Scare


Part of the New Deal that provided $ for old age pensions and disabled people.

What is Social Security Act


The top secret mission in the US to build the world's first atomic bomb that became a controversial issue after it was used.

Double: Name one of the physicists involved 

What is the Manhattan Project

Albert Einstein, Robert Oppenheimer 


What unfortunate natural phenomena that coincided with the Great Depression does this image represent? 

Dust Bowl


Theodore Roosevelt signed the Meat Inspection Act in response mostly to this book

Double: Who is the author

The Jungle

Upton Sinclair


Give at least two reasons why the U.S. eventually entered WWI

Zimmerman telegram, sinking of Lusitania, unrestricted submarine warfare" by the Germans 


New technologies in the 1920s allowed for this and was the way Henry Ford produced cars.

What is Mass Production or the Assembly Line


One of FDR's New Deal Programs that gave jobs to young men in the nations National Parks digging ditches, building dams, cutting down trees, etc.

 Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)


A example of the transition from Isolation to Intervention that allowed the US to loan weapons and war supplies to Great Britain.

What is the Lend Lease Act


Who is this? Who was president before him? Who was president after him?

William Howard Taft.  Came after Teddy Roosevelt, came before Woodrow Wilson 


The abuse of alcohol and the rise of the temperance movement led to this

Double: What is the amendment?

The passing of the 18th Amendment, or Prohibition


The part of the government that did not want to sign the Treaty of Versailles or join the League of Nations.

Double: Why did they not want to join? 

What is Congress

America wanted to remain "isolationist" following WWI 


An example of a new consumer product in the 1920s that was also used as a form of advertisement.

What is the Radio


Unequal distribution of wealth, overproduction, buying on the margin and over speculation were all causes of what.

What is the Great Depression


The Supreme Court case the ruled the internment of Japanese-Americans during WWII was legal.

What is Korematsu v. the United States


In the image below, William J. Bryant is running as a Democrat, however, he was truly a representative of which niche party during the Progressive Era? Whose interests did this party represent? 

Populist Party, farmers


Examples of reforms on the State and local level that allowed citizens to have more power in the Political Process (name at least two) 

What is Initiative, Referendum and Recall


The movement of over 2 million African-Americans out of the South into the north for industrial jobs and economic opportunity.

What is the Great Migration


Why were they called the Roaring Twenties? (think of two solid reasons)

Harlem Renaissance, consumerism, jazz, flappers, speakeasies, gangsters, cars, partying, luxury (everything was loud, over the top, violent, uncomfortable, excessive) 


Franklin Roosevelt tried to do this to get some new ideas in the Supreme Court?

Pack it with more members/court packing scheme 


Group of people who experienced positives during WWII with new economic opportunities and experienced negatives during WWII with racial discrimination.

What are African-Americans


Who is this? What did he believe about the path to equality for African Americans.  Explain the beliefs of one of his opponents.  

He thought working with white people was best.  African Americans should get vocational training for lower paying jobs; they needed to prove they could be trusted

Du Bois- believed in immediate equality 

Garvey- Back to Africa, Black is Beautiful 


The first piece of Federal legislation to regulate the economy and control of the Railroad industry; passed after farmers were going into debt due to huge shipping costs. 

What is Interstate Commerce Act


This ordered universal male conscription which forced all men ages 18-45 to register for a chance to join the army.

What is the Selective Service Act or the Draft


The media went crazy covering this trial that debated the merits of evolution being taught in public schools

Double: Which state was this in? 

The Scopes Monkey Trial



The political party that became popular among different ethnic groups, African-Americans and the working class because of the New Deal.

What is Democratic Party


The turning point in the Pacific theatre of WWII (US destroyed most of the Japanese naval fleet

The Battle of Midway


Name each of the three men of the "Big Three" and which countries they represented.  Explain how each contributed to an Allied victory in WWII. 

Stalin-Russia/USSR (beat Hitler on the Eastern front, suffered the most losses total in the war)

FDR- US (supplied the Allies with material/weapons; ended Japanese front)

Churchill- UK (Europes leader; rallied British people) 
