Progressive Era
Roaring and Raging
Roosevelt Surprise

This book was written by a muckraker by the name of Sinclair and detailed the dirty secrets of American industry...

What is The Jungle?

This type of journalism urged American support to the Spanish-American War.

What is yellow journalism?


Made up of socialists, anarchists, syndicalists. Open to minorities, women, skilled, unskilled, poor farmers/sharecroppers - engaged in extreme acts of labor protest.

Who are the Wobblies?


The informal radio talks President FDR had with Americans during the Great Depression

What are Fireside Chats?


This 1911 case partially resulted from the expose written by Ida B. Tarbell, and resulted in the dissolution of John D. Rockefeller's monopoly.

What is Standard Oil Company of New Jersey v. United States  (1911)?


Civil rights leader known for his Tuskegee Institute, the belief that black people in America could work within segregation, and his book Up From Slavery.

Who is Booker T. Washington?


The discovery of this disclosed Germany's promise to help Mexico attack the US if the US declared war on Germany.

What is the Zimmerman Telegram?


This violent protest ended with John D. Rockefeller's striking employees in the Colorado mines being shot. Pulled support from civilians to strikers.

What is the Ludlow Massacre (1914)?


Program to bring Mexican workers to the United States.

What is the Bracero Program?


This is the most hated Amendment ever ratified by the states - it imposes income tax on American earners.

What is the 16th Amendment?


Created to prevent unfair and deceptive business practices, enforce anti-trust laws and investigate consumer complaints.

What is the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)?


This was triggered by the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.  Americans were very paranoid and scared that Communism would overtake America.

What is the Red Scare?


Italian immigrants charged with murder and robbery.  Convicted on circumstantial evidence, many believed they had been framed for the crime because of their anarchist and pro-union activities.

Who are Sacco and Vanzetti?


Supreme Court decision that said Japanese internment during WWII was in fact constitutional because it was during a time of war.

What is Korematsu v. US?


This American politician is known for his many runs for the US Presidency, his "Cross of Gold" speech, his support of the Populist (People's) Party, and arguing for the prosecution in the Scope's Trial.

Who is William Jennings Bryan?


Jailed during the Pullman Strike - this many times over Presidential hopeful founded the Socialist Party of America. 

Who is Eugene V. Debs?


3 American acquisitions from our "splendid little war."

What is in the Spanish-American War - Puerto Rico, Philippines and Guam?


Proposed equal trading policies between imperial powers. Meant to reserve China’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.

What is China's Open Door Policy?


Ended cash-and-carry programs and allowed Britain to purchase weapons from the US for credit.

What is the lend-lease act?


What did the 17th Amendment do? Is this good or bad, and why?

What is, allowed the direct election of US Senators. This is widely seen as a good thing - and more democratic than allowing state legislatures to choose them.

Name two of the promises of FDR's Square Deal.

Conservation/preservation, trustbusting, protect the consumer. 


Prohibits interference of military operations. Prohibits the cause of insubordination. Prohibits obstruction of recruitment and enlistment. 

What is the Espionage Act of 1917?


The name of Roosevelt's Big Stick Policy in action - a large number of American ships ready to roam the seas.

What is the Great White Fleet?


Introduced by Secretary of State - proposed massive and systematic American economic aid to Europe to revitalize the European economies after WWII and help prevent the spread of Communism.

What is the Marshall Plan?


Most important law passed during the New Deal.  Provides help to the elderly, unemployed, disabled.  Changed the role of the federal government to where the government is now expected to help those in need.

What is the Social Security Act?
