Progressive era
The Great Depression

The Progressive Era was largely a result of which event/period and which political party sparked this? (bonus: what were the goals of this party)

the gilded age and the populist party

bonus:coinage of silver, graduated income tax, terifs, government regulation of large corporations etc)


The extension of this document sparked imperialism

Monroe doctrine


The percentage unemployment rose to during the Great Depression



Leading up to WWII America didn't want to get involved so they took a _____ stance


Less than 72% of the Earth's surface is covered by this



What was the first overturned amendment that came from this time period and why was it unsuccessful?

Prohibition largely because of how poorly enforced it was and the large amounts of corruption 


Who was the first progressive president that championed the use of America’s position as an international power as a means of obtaining more power and expanding American influence in the world? 

Teddy Roosavelt 


The 2 greatest factors of the Great Depression

Stock Market Crash of 1929, Boom and Bust cycles, Inadequate banking system


The battle considered to be a turning point for the Pacific Theater of WWII

The Battle of Midway


Within 10 decimal points, how many solar luminosities is the sun?



What was the gospel of efficiency and what role did it play socially, economically and politically?

Use of science to make the life of workers to be more easier in terms of at the workplace; 

Thought it would improve workers life, but employers took advantage of these to exploit their workers; creation of assembly lines, and also helped with government efficiency (Wisconsin idea, natural disaster commission system etc) 


What issue do we have after the frontieer was declared to be “closed” and what did America decide to do? Why was the frontier closing an issue for Americans? 

We had no more land to procure so we begin turning our attention to international places that we can conquer. Closing of the frontier was an issue since expansion and moving west into new land has been a defining part of our collective identities and have symbolized a new start/begining and now that begining is over with the closing of the frontier.  


The three New deal policies and their purpose?

Relief, recovery, and reform

Relief meant that the president wanted to help those in crisis immediately by creating jobs, bread lines, and welfare. 

Recovery was aimed at fixing the economy and ending the Depression.

Reform programs focused specifically on methods for ensuring that depressions like that in the 1930s would never affect the American public again.


The date that the US declared war and entered WWII, and the three conferences held.

Dec 7th, 1941

Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam


Who is Cornwell's favorite historical figure and what did he do?

William Howard Taft: alienated progressives and acted as chief justice. Only president to do both.

Would also accept Stonewall Jackson: Acted as a stone wall.


Name 3 goals the progressive reformers achieved and 3-4 key players (muckrakers) in the progressive era. 

Direct election of senators, prohibition, settlement house movement, etc. 


Ida Tarbell - exposed Rockefeller fam

Jane Addams - established hull house

Jacob Rills - exposed struggles of ppl in poverty through photography


What was american attitude towards the spam war and what largely influenced these ideals?

It was largely in support of the war for Cuban independence especially after sinking of the Maine and public opinion was largely influenced by yellow journalism


Which program established pensions for retired people and aid for single mothers?

Social Security Administration


WWII's affect on our international demeanor and relationships

establishing a clear desire to protect the U.S. as the Free World


Pick a number 1-10



What were the 4 amendments that pertained to the goals of progressive reformers?

  • 16th ammendment – graduated income tax 
  • 17th ammendment – direct election of sennators 
  • 18th ammendment – prohibition 
  • 19th ammendment – womens sufferage 

Tax(16) senators(17) who drink(18) with women (19)


John Hay wrote a series of open door notes with what in mind?

The Open Door Notes served the important purpose of outlining U.S. policy toward China and expressing U.S. hopes for cooperation with the other foreign powers with a stake in the region. At the time, secretary of State, John hay grew weary that the US will be left out of international affairs so he essentially reassessed our stance on international affairs.


The cause of people migrating from rural areas like Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Colorado

Bonus: What were those people called?

The Dust Bowl

Bonus: Okies


What was different about how we approached mobilization when war broke out in eruope for a second time compared to ww1? 

We mobalized more efficnetly before we were even in war and had the first peacetime draft to help prepare and mitigate the blow that mobilization and war would normally have. 


The country located to the north of South Korea
