Progressive Era
The 1920's
Great Depression & New Deal
World War II
Journalist during the Progressive Era who exposed the evils of industrialization and urbanization.
Who are Muckrakers
This became a cause of Imperialism in the US because there was No more land for the US to expand westward.
What is End of the Frontier
Two examples of Social Changes during the 1920's that became new Amendments to the Constitution.
What is the 18th and 19th Amendments.
Black Tuesday refers to which event that triggered the beginning of the Great Depression
What is the Stock Market Crash
The two groups of people in the US who debated either staying out or joining World War II.
Who are Isolationists and Interventionists
These conditions were a target during the Progressive Ear because of terrible living and working coditions.
What are Social Conditions
US desires access to this country in Asia for resources and as a market for US goods.
What is China
The name for the new type of economy in the 1920's.
What is a Consumer Economy
The Wagner Act, Social Security and Fair Labor Standards Act are all examples of which part of FDR's New Deal.
What is Reform
A change in US foreign Policy that allowed Great Britain to travel to the US, pay for war supplies in cash and transport them back to Europe.
What is the Cash and Carry Policy
An example of a Federal Law passed to limit the business practices of Monopolies and Big Business.
What is the Sherman Anti-Trust Act
The country the US took over during Imperialism in order to build a canal across Central America.
What is Panama
This was improved by the use of new technologies like, vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, washing machines and radios that gave people more leisure time.
What is Standard of Living
How did FDR address the problem with Banking when he first came into office as President.
What is the Banking Holiday and Emergency Banking Act
This officially ended the United States policy of neutrality and isolation.
What is the Attack on Pearl Harbor
The first Monopoly (RR Company) to be broken up by the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.
What is the Northern Securities Company
The two sides that debated the idea and beliefs behind Imperialism.
Who are Imperialists and Anti-Imperialist
The name used to describe the "new" woman of the 1920's who wore short hair and dresses and expanded social freedoms.
What is a Flapper
A weather disaster that led to the increased migration of Farmers and Okies westward to places like California.
What is the Dust Bowl
A work program created by the US to bring Mexican agricultural laborers into the US to work on farms in the West.
What is the Bracero Program
A change to the Constitution that gave citizens the power to directly elect their Senators to Congress.
What is the 17th Amendment
The person who encouraged US Imperialism so the US could become a world power by building a large navy, establishing navy bases and fueling stations.
Who is Alfred Thayer Mahan
Charles Lindbergh, Babe Ruth, Ty Cobb, Jack Dempsey and Jim Thorpe are all examples of what during the 1920's.
What are New Heroes
The president at the beginning of the Great Depression who was blamed for not doing enough to help the people.
Who is Herbert Hoover
An example of political cooperation between the United States, Great Britain and Soviet Union.
What is the Grand Alliance