Footloose in the 80's
We're Gonna Party Like It's 1999
Foreign Policy Extras
Bush Surprise

This method of economics argues for lower taxes and less government spending to encourage investments and job growth in the private sector.

It was also named after the president who advocated for it.

What is supply-side economics aka "Reaganomics"?


The Election of 1992 was a win for this former governor. 

Who is Bill Clinton?


The collapse of this policy towards the USSR led Reagan to brand the Soviet Union the "evil empire." 

What is detente?


This virus caused a mass panic throughout the world.  It also caused further political division as the global pandemic occurred during an election year.



This 2002 law created 200 new government agencies. 

What is the Homeland Security Act?

These supporters of Reagan were sympathetic to the demands of business and committed to reaffirming Western democratic values. Many were former liberals. 

Who are neoconservatives?


This president said, "Read my lips-no new taxes!" as part of a campaign promise.  However, when the economy began to decline and the federal budget increased, he was forced to renege on his promise.

Republican Revolution

Revolution of '94


President Obama took executive action to create program that would allow children brought into the country illegally by their parents opportunity to become citizens.

What was the name of the program?

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals



This devastating tragedy involved the deaths of some 3,000 Americans.  It will become the basis for increased security at airports, government buildings, as well as America's military presence in the Middle East for the next two decades.



This controversial 2001 law gave the federal gov't broad powers to search medical, telephone, and financial records of suspected terrorists. 

What is the USA PATRIOT Act?


This law passed during the Reagan Administration was an attempt to restrict the flow of illegal immigrants.  Though it did provide more infrastructure for this goal, it failed to meet it.  Critics also didn't like that it granted amnesty to 3 million undocumented workers.

What is the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986?


A task force led by a first lady attempted to extend reforms in this area. 

Who is the first lady?

What is health care?

Who is Hillary Clinton?


This scandal occurred during the Reagan presidency when the CIA sold weapons illegally to another country and used the profits from the sales to fund political militias in South America.

What is the Iran Contra Affair?


These two elections were controversial because the winner did not win the popular vote but the Electoral College.

What are the elections of 2000 and the election of 2016?


In 2013, this former contract of the NSA released NSA documents revealing the extent of government surveillance programs. 

Who is Edward Snowden?


This program, pushed by the Reagan Administration, would protect the nation from international ballistic missiles (IBMs) with lasers and particle beams.

Critics mockingly called it "Star Wars" as it sounded too much like science fiction.

What is Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)?

In spite of a a razor-thin win of the popular vote for Gore in this state, George W. Bush became president in 2000. 

What is Florida?


The US invaded this country in the weeks following 9/11.

What is Afghanistan?


This economic event was the result of, among other things, banks giving mortgages to people unable to afford them (despite the government pushing for such loans). 

In what year did it occur?

What is the Great Recession of 2008?


Political gridlock was a feature of these two presidents who served between 1990 and 2020.

Who are Bush 1 and Obama?


scandal that erupted after the Reagan administration sold weapons to Iran in hopes of freeing American hostages in Lebanon

What is the Iran-Contra Affair?


He was the last and most recent third party candidate who proved to be a serious challenge to Democrats and Republics during the 90s.

Despite his relative success, his party's membership has waned.

Ross Perot


In spite of winning this war, President George H.W. Bush lost reelection the following year.

What is the First Persian Gulf War?


This political movement arose during the Obama administration.  Though initially non-partisan, it quickly adopted a libertarian/conservative identity.

TEA Party


The organization that gave refuge to Osama bin Laden in Afganistan.

What is the Taliban?


American political organization that was founded in 1979 by Jerry Falwell, a religious leader and televangelist - supports the idea of evangelical republicanism

What is the Moral Majority?


This policy limited protective fees and taxes on goods produced in Canada and Mexico.  Many union leaders and factory workers claim it was responsible for sending American manufacturing jobs to places like Mexico.


North American Free Trade Agreement


Clinton faced his most serious foreign policy crisis in 1999 related to conflict involving these two countries. 

What are Serbia and Kosovo?


This legislation was supposed to be Bush-43's legacy.  But his foreign policy measures and his perceived inadequacies with the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina over-shadowed it.

Plus, its less-than-stellar results made it unpopular with teachers.

No Child Left Behind Act


This law that went into effect in 2014 urged all Americans to purchase health insurance, making provisions to help those of limited financial means to acquire it. 

What is the Affordable Care Act?
