Women Throughout the Years
Manifest Destiny
American Identity
Slavery Throughout the Years

Women would have typically engaged in which of the following activities during the Revolutionary Era?

(A) Writing plays in support of independence

(B) campaigning for the right to vote as a wartime measure

(C) joining militias so that they could fight on the front lines of battle

(D) producing goods for the patriot cause


These were reasons for westward migration? (Manifest Destiny)

Access to natural and mineral resources, economic opportunities for settlers, religious refuge (Mormons).


Which of the following groups would have been most likely to oppose Henry Clay’s ideas on the American System?

(A) Abolitionists

(B) Antebellum reformers

(C) Members of the Whig Party

(D) Members of the Democratic Party


The major pattern on the map best supports which of the following statements?

(A) Fewer people lived in the British colonies than in the Spanish colonies.

(B) British colonies in North America typically had a lower demand for slave labor than did the colonies of other European countries.

(C) Enslaved Africans were more likely to live on large plantations in North America than in the Caribbean.

(D) Africans in North America were more likely to resist than were Africans in South America.


Which of the following most directly contributed to the decision by the United States to fight the Mexican American war?

(A) The idea of manifest destiny

(B) The over cultivation of land in the southeast

(C) The efforts of the federal government to assert authority over American Indians

(D) The economic competition that emerged during the market revolution


During and immediately after the revolutionary era, which of the following resulted most directly from the efforts of women?

(A) The extension of voting rights to women nationwide

(B) there were form of laws regarding women's property ownership

(C) the creation of a national network of abolitionist societies

(D) the ideal that women could teach republican values


The territorial changes shown in the southwestern region of the map most directly resulted from

(A) treaties made with American Indian nations

(B) the purchase of land from France and Spain

(C) the Spanish American War

(D) the Mexican American War


Which of the following was the American colonies immediate response to the attempts of the British parliament to enforce strict rules.

(A) They acceded to parliament authority to regulate colonial commerce

(B) They denied the power of the British king over the colonies

(C) They sought an alliance with France against Great Britain

(D) They initiated boycotts of imported British goods.


Which of the following most directly contributed to the major pattern depicted on the map?

(A) The growth of the fur trade in the North American colonies.

(B) The spread of ideas associated with the European Enlightenment.

(C) Demand for crops produced in the Americas.

(D) Africans’ adaptation to the culture of the Western Hemisphere.


This is the cause of the increase in slavery after Bacon's Rebellion.

several of Bacon's followers were indentured servants, thus the leaders of Virginia believed that African American slaves would be much more docile, leading to an increase of the slave trade.


This is the greatest impact of European contact in the New World?



Which the following ideas contributed most directly to the territorial changes shown in the map?

(A) Abolitionism

(B) manifest destiny

(C) popular sovereignty

(D) containment


What is that Thomas Paine's writing encouraged America to break away from England. It also helped influence the Declaration of independence.

Common Sense


A significant long-term result of the major pattern depicted on the map was-

(A) Frequent intermarriage between people of African and European descent

(B) An increase in the destructiveness of American Indian warfare.

(C) The development of a strict racial system in British colonial societies

(D) Cooperation between European countries over colonization in the Americas.


This is the structure of the slave trade in colonial American.

Transatlantic Slave Trade


This is the call for women to teach republican values within the family and provided educational opportunities for women.

republican motherhood


The acquisition of territory in the southwestern region shown in the map intensified controversies in the United States about—

(A) granting free land in the new territories

(B) rights to mineral wealth and resources in the new territories

(C) extending citizenship to people already in the territories

(D) allowing slavery in the new territories


This is the reason that the colonists united the in resisting the British in the 1760s and 1770s

Stamp, Sugar, Townshend Acts without colonial consent, perceived and real constraints on economic activities and political rights (Quartering Acts).


Which of the following most directly helped maintain “the balance between the northern and southern parts of the United States before the Mexican-American War?

(A) The federal government's policies on a National Bank in tariffs

(B) The emergence of reform movements during the Second Great Awakening

(C) the outlawing of the international slave trade

(D) The passage of the Missouri Compromise


These were ways abolitionists campaigned against slavery

moral arguments (such as William Lloyd Garrison), assisting slaves' escapes (such as Underground RR), using violence (such as Bleeding-Kansas and Harpers Ferry)


These were some of the motivations of bringing African slaves into the Americas.

Americas didn't have enough money to pay for all the labor that it needed to make a profit, so, therefore, it looked for Africa for cheap labor.


This as the solution to the Mexican Cession - popular sovereignty would be used in the territory, the slave trade was banned in Washington D.C., California was added as a free state, a more strict fugitive slave law was created.

Compromise of 1850


“ may it... Please your most excellent majesty, that it may be declared... In this present parliament assembled, by the authority of the same, That the said colonies and plantations in America have been, R, and of right ought to be, subordinate onto, and dependent upon the imperial crowned and the parliament of Great Britain; and [They] of right ought to have, full power and authority to make laws and statute of sufficient force and validity to bind the colonies and the people of America, subjects of the crown of Great Britain, in all cases whatsoever.”

The Declaratory Act, passed by the British parliament in 1776

The actions described in the excerpt most likely led to

(A) Parliament strengthening its approach to generating new tax revenue in the North American colonies

(B) Major and sometimes violent conflicts emerging between the various colonial regions

(C) A colonial convention to call for independence from Britain

(D) Britain delegating greater authority to colonial assemblies


“There is, at present, no danger of another insurrection against the authority of the United States on a large scale, and the people are willing to reconstruct their state governments, and to send their senators and representatives to Congress. But as to the moral value of these results, we must not indulge in any delusions. … [T]here is, as yet, among the southern people an utter absence of national feeling. …

“Aside from the assumption that the Negro will not work without physical compulsion, there appears to be another popular notion … that the Negro exists for the special object of raising cotton, rice and sugar for the whites, and that it is illegitimate for him to indulge, like other people, in the pursuit of his own happiness in his own way.”

Carl Schurz, Report on the Condition of the South, 1865

Efforts by Republicans such as Schurz to establish a base for their party in the South after the Civil War ultimately failed because

(A) Republicans feared the South would secede again if the party became too successful

(B) Republican opposition to African American rights alienated many White Southerners

(C) Republicans grew weary of pressing their Reconstruction agenda in a hostile environment

(D) Republicans believed it better to withdraw from the South than to become corrupted by Southern politics


“The voice of the people has been said to be the voice of God; [but] it is not true in fact. The people are turbulent and changing; they seldom judge or determine right. . . . Can a democratic assembly, who annually revolve in the mass of the people, be supposed steadily to pursue the public good? Nothing but a permanent body can check the imprudence of democracy.”— Alexander Hamilton, speech at the Constitutional Convention, 1787

Hamilton’s views expressed in the excerpt most directly supported which of the following?

(A) The process of electing members of the House of Representatives

(B) The method of counting slaves for representation and taxation.

(C) The establishment of the Supreme Court

(D) The addition of the Bill of Rights
