American Literary Figures
19th Century Presidents
The Cold War
The Great Depression
Supreme Court Decisions
His famous works include Tom Sawyer, and the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
Who is Mark Twain?
He got all his goals accomplished in 4 years.
Who is James K. Polk?
This East Germany confrontation pitted Truman and the British against Stalin for the first time since WWII.
What is the Berlin Airlift?
His phrase "rugged individualism" did not bode well with people and led to his defeat in 1932.
Who is Herbert Hoover?
In Plessy v. Ferguson, the justices ruled that this system was legal as long as equal facilities were provided to all citizens.
What is segregation?
This muckraker exposed the harsh living conditions of the poorest in New York City.
Who is Jacob Riis?
The gold standard is here to stay, exclaimed this Ohio Republican.
Who is William McKinley?
The Truman Doctrine stemmed out of the lack of funds that Britain could provide to these two European nations to combat communism.
What is Turkey and Greece?
This new deal policy was meant to bring confidence back to people in the banking industry.
What is the FDIC?
Chief Justice Roger Taney, ruled that this former slave was never a citizen, thus had no right to sue in federal court.
Who is Dred Scott?
This American author's books are mostly set in Louisiana and center on the lives of sensitive, intelligent women. The Awakening was criticized by many critics as morbid, vulgar and disagreeable.
Who is Kate Chopin?
Jackson lost a "Corrupt Bargain" to this 2nd generation president.
Who is John Quincy Adams?
One of Nixon's biggest accomplishment was this treaty signed with the Soviet Union to scale down weapons of mass destruction.
What is SALT?
The Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) main focus was to be a watchdog over this institution.
What is the Stock Market?
This landmark court case by John Marshall implemented the Supreme Court's use of judicial review for the first time.
What is Marbury v. Madison?
Transcendentalist by trade and advocate of Civil Disobedience.
Who is Henry David Thoreau?
His presidency was overshadowed by numerous scandals including the Whiskey Ring and the Credit Mobilier Scandal.
Who is Ulysses S. Grant?
This movement of mostly college students rebelled against the government's cold war policies by protesting and picketing on college campuses leading to a catastrophe at Kent State University.
What is the Counterculture Movement?
One of FDR's more popular new deal policies, employed thousands of 18-25 year old men to work at sites around the country.
What is the CCC?
In Miranda v. Arizona, the court agreed that evidence received through interrogation will only be admissible in court if the defendant had been informed of this right.
What is right to counsel?
The Last of the Mohicans is his most prominent works.
Who is James Fenimore Cooper?
Andrew Johnson faced the wrath of the Radical Republicans and an impeachment trial when he fired this former Lincoln Secretary of War.
Who is Edwin Stanton?
Ping Pong Diplomacy and a visit by Nixon were all part of this type of American Foreign Policy towards China.
What is rapproachment?
His book the Grapes of Wrath, chronicled a family's move from Oklahoma to California to escape the dust bowl of the great depression.
Who is John Steinbeck?
John Marshall strengthened the federal government in this case by denying the taxation of a state on a federal bank.
What is McCullough v. Maryland?