New World Beginnings
The Planting of English America
Settling the Northern Colonies
American Life in the 17th Century
Colonial Society on the Eve of Revolution
Time period in which there was a land bridge connecting Eurasia with North America
What is the Great Ice Age?
The early years at this settlement included a lot of starvation, disease, and frequent Indian raids.
What is Jamestown?
the lasting defeat of New England's Indians was a result of which war
What is King Philip's War?
physical and social conditions of slavery were harshest in which state
What is South Carolina?
Why, in part, did social and economic mobility decrease on the eve of the American Revolution
What is some merchants made huge profits as military suppliers
These people brought back news of valuable Far Eastern spices, drugs, and silk.
Who are Christian Crusaders?
Biggest reason Native Americans died
What is disease?
Being notable for their fertile soil was a characteristic of which colonial region - northern, middle, or southern?
What is middle?
During the Salem witchcraft trials, most of those accused as witches owned what?
What is property?
All of these were characteristics of movement: The first spontaneous mass movement of the American people, undermined the prestige of the learned clergy in the colonies, led to the founding of Princeton, Dartmouth, and Rutgers colleges, and split colonial churches into several competing denominations.
What is the Great Awakening?
Pueblo Indians destroyed every Catholic church in the province of New Mexico resulted from what event?
What is Pope's Rebellion?
The large-scale adoption of captives and refugees happened during these "wars"
What are the "mourning wars"?
Which group benefited when Henry VII broke England's ties with the Catholic church
Who are Protestants?
This was a "system" that give the right to acquire fifty acres of land to the person paying the passage of a laborer to America
What is the headright system?
When the British Parliament passed the Molasses Act in 1733, it intended the act to inhibit colonial trade with
What is the French West Indies?
This created rapid population growth in Europe
What is the introduction of American plants around the world?
By 1750, which southern plantation colonies based their economies on the production of staple crops for export, practiced slavery, provided tax support for the Church of England, and had few large cities.
What is all of them?
Which of these did the Puritans not allow? drinking alcohol, eating plentifully, making love discreetly, singing songs, or challenging religious authority
What is challenging religious authority?
planters began to look for less troublesome laborers as a result of this rebellion
What is Bacon's Rebellion?
Biggest reason for population growth of the American colonies by 1775
What is natural fertility of all Americans?
These groups were responsible for slave trading in Africa long before the Europeans had arrived
Who are Arabs and Africans?
1. Adventurer who tried but failed to establish a colony in Newfoundland 2. “sea dog” who plundered the treasure ships of the Spanish Main 3. courtier whose colony at Roanoke Is-land was mysteriously abandoned in the 1580s
Humphrey Gilbert Francis Drake Walter Raleigh
This group migrated from Holland to the New World and gained wealth through all the economic incentives the New World offered
Who are the Separatists?
This group admitted to baptism but not full membership the unconverted children of existing members
What is the Half-Way Covenant?
This was the major manufacturing enterprise in colonial America in the eighteenth century
What is lumbering?